June 4th 2018 City Council Meeting Agenda


Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Rance –
– Lagoon update (barley straw seems to be working)
– Ordered 2 new electric motors for lagoon araetors
– Water-main break on Jones St.

Lynley –
– Waiting on bids for water tower light
– Waiting on bids for doors at Community Building
– Waiting on bids for waterline from 5th-woodson

Old business –
– Sewer service for downtown businesses/ update from sewer inspection
– Resolution 301 – Show cause hearing for 344 Clark St. Lot “A” & “D”
– Fun services contract

New business –
– Pre 2019 Budget discussion – Jim Long at next meeting 6/18 to present 2019 budget
– Fallen tree in alley between Isaacs and Elmore – Fell on Roy Paslay’s Shed
