July 16th, 2018 City Council Meeting Agenda


Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

– Paul Bahnmaier – K10 article in LJworld
– Jeff Lamfers – KRWA lagoon dredging

Rance –
– Elm tree in pioneer Cemetery – needs removed –

Lynley –

Old business –
– Golf Cart Ordinance
– Speed Bumps
– Insurance claim for tree damage – report
– Roof for Pride building – bid options
– Tree maintenance/bids – Browns tree service/Shamrock
– Resolution 302 – 334 Clark St. Properties
– 520 E. 3rd St. – Repairs should have started

New business –
– Building permit extension – 305 E. Seventh
– Mary Jane Hoffer – update on waste management meeting.
– AT&T phone line incident
