City Council Meeting Agenda


Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Jim Long – 2019 Budget

Paul Bahnmaier –

Show Cause hearing for 334 Clark “A” & “D” – total due for cleanup $1980.90

Rance –
– KRWA – letter re: algae growth in Lagoon/update status
– Skidloader

Lynley –
– Tree maintenance/bids –Browns tree service
– Dan Rockhill – bid for doors at community building
– Roof for Pride building – bid options
– Pittsburg Tank/Tower – bid on cleanout/lightbulb replacement

Old business –
– Golf Cart Ordinance
– Speed bumps
– Insurance Claim for tree damage – report

New business –
– Justice Matters letter –
– Appointment to Emergency Management Board/Douglas County –Wayne Riley
– Doors at PRIDE building – completed/paid 7/2 by City
– Review building permit application suggestions from Douglas County
– Thoughts on letter to KDOT Re: intersection at Farmers Turnpike & K10
