August 20, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Elsie Middleton and Susie Hackathorn were present at roll call. Mayor Sandy Jacquot was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford and Superintendent Rance Roberts. Lecompton residents and township members included Paul Bahnmaier, Jamin Nally and Jamie Hatcher.

Council went to approve the minutes but the minutes from August 6th, 2018 were incomplete. Save for the next meeting agenda.

Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the bills before the council. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Paul Bahnmaier brought in the historical informational sign and discussed with the council on ideas where to locate it. Paul suggested in the Community Building. The Council also discussed out door locations with intentions to provide protection for the sign to prevent weathering and vandalism. Council requested it be put on the next agenda for further discussion.

Rance –
– Heartland environmental treatment plan for lagoons. We have a sludge problem in Cell 1 that is encouraging algae growth in cells 2 & 3. The inoculation dose would be using all 3 S.E.B.S. for sludge/algae. 10 gal per cell – 30 gal + 30 gal = 60 gal at the price of $38/gal = $2280.00
Remaining treatment plan would be 10 gal per week in cell 1 for the remaining 18 weeks. Estimated cost of treatment to year end = $6840.00. The City Council wanted to see if the company had any other recommendations, and would like to know what KDHE and Jeff Lamfers say before we commit to using it. Put on next council agenda.
– Update on skid loader. Whitestar figured out that it was a run issue, discovered it was the fuel filter.
– – Chip n’ seal update – pre-construction meeting on Friday August 24th, the plan is to start with Lecompton. Will have a better idea after the meeting. Rance will start with street repairs next week.

Lynley –
– Pat Ragan dropped off a check as payment towards the mowing expenses the City has incurred during the summer. The total amount has already been sent to the County tax office. The Council asked to get advice from city attorney Jeff Heiman and the county representative to see how to best handle.
– Tree trimming will commence Thursday

Old Business –
– Golf cart ordinance: No. 824 council reviewed and had a couple of change suggestions and asked that a final draft be prepared for the next council meeting.
– Municipal court, we got in the court clerk manual, put on next meeting for more discussion.

New Business –
– A dog broke off it’s tie out at Stauffers house on Elmore – already sent a dog letter regarding concern for the dog being properly tied out.
– PRIDE building changing out toilets, city will purchase the toilets, Justin’s flooring will install. Pride group will re-imburse.
– Community building doors – Elsie ran into Jan Supertarick, Jan mentioned having a source for antique doors for free, if we could get her measurements. The general consensus of the council is to give her the measurements and see what she comes up with.
– E- Community update –Elsie Middleton provided an update regarding E-communities promoting more for local food production. Max loan amount up to $75,000.00 on new or existing looking to expand business. Youth entrepreneurship project – this school year all USD 343 students can participate.
– 320 E. 3rd street. Take some updated photos of the home for records, what does the council want to do? Elsie provided some photos from the street. Put on next meeting agenda. Council recommended cutting trees back from around the foundation/house, and maybe tarp over the fallen part of roof until it can be repaired.

8:09 PM – Susie Hackathorn motioned to adjourn. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk