Agenda City Council Meeting June 17th, 2019


7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes – May 6th, 2019

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Jim Long – 2020 Budget

– Greg Howard – Landscaping around gazebo at Pride building/Electric Connection

Rance –
– Skid-loader bid review
– Tower inspection Friday 6/21

Lynley –
– Update – requested lagoon cleanout/ have only received 1 bid
– Planning vacation 7/5-7/12 – Sharron will watch office during hours

Old business –
– Boiler at PRIDE building(?) – more discussion
– Trash service – Inland – rate increases and overcharges (Jeff Heiman input)

New business –
– Possible sewer leak issue at 16c in trailer park – send letter (?)

– Thank you letter to:
• Bill Willis: cleaned out ditches along Woodson before T.T. day
• Kyle Pollman: cleaning up street evening of T.T. day street dance/next morning
