June 17th, 2019 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Sandy Jacquot brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mary Jane Hoffer, Tim McNish, Jimmy Wilkins and Stephanie Confer were present at roll call. Council member Elsie Middleton was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts, City Attorney Jeff Heiman and City Accountant Jim Long. City residents or Township members in attendance included Greg Howard.

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the June 3rd, 2019. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays

Tim McNish motioned to approve the bills before the City Council. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Greg Howard spoke with the City Council regarding plans to landscape around the new gazebo west of the PRIDE building. The Rose Campagin (as he called it) has had an excellent community response. Knockout roses will be planted around the perimeter of the gazebo and mulched. They will not be planted in a way that would interfere with mowing. Maintenance and watering will be taken care of by volunteers from community PRIDE members. The PRIDE group is also working on bringing electrical to the gazebo. They are still waiting on 2 bids before moving forward.

Rance Roberts – Updates:
– Skid-loader bid review. The City received bids from Murphy Tractor (John Deere), McConnell Machinery (Kubota) and Bob Cat. The City requested a little more information regarding warranties and to price out skid-steer buckets.
– Tower inspection will be Friday 6/21, and they will be installing the new tower lights also.

Lynley Sanford – Updates:
– Regarding lagoon bids, will be accepting quotes until the 28th. So far we have only received 1 bid.
– I am planning on going on vacation from 7/5-7/12. Sharron Roberts will maintain regular office hours.

Old Business:
– Boiler at PRIDE building – still looking at other options. The vendor Jimmy spoke with has not been in contact with Rance. Will try to arrange that this week.
– Trash Service issues with Inland waste – Have had reports from residences that they received billing for trash service with their recycling bill. The rates were doubled and additional trash service charges were added. If the individual contacted inland they did correct the problem, but not without issues.
The City is concerned that Inland is not billing in accordance to the original agreement, and the council requests that the City Attorney send a letter to Inland demanding a refund to individuals who were overcharged. Additionally they would like the City attorney to look into the time frame for notice to discontinue service.
New Business:
– Terms of office for elected officials, and when elected officials should take office. As of July 1st The city is eligible to determine when terms of office commence for elected officials. Jeff will prepare the Ordinance.
– Territorial Day discussion about turnout and vendors. Council would like to talk with the committee, request they attend the meeting on 7/15.
– Council Member Stephanie Confer said she would not be in attendance at the council meeting on 7/1
– It was reported to the City Office that there is a possible sewer leak issue at 16C in the mobile home trailer park. The council requested that a letter be sent to the park Manager Lana Keever and to the MHP corporate office.
– It was reported to the City office that Bill Willis cleaned out ditches along Woodson before Territorial Days, it was asked if the City would send him a Thank you Letter.
– It was reported to the City office that Kyle Pollman cleaned up the City street during the evening of Territorial Days during and immediately after the street dance, it was asked if they City would send him a Thank you letter.
– Summerfoods program is going very well. 32 kids were at the last meal program. Bob Jernigan did an art activity. Will Treaster did a music activity. Next Friday heartland dental will be out to talk about dental health and provide a free fluoride treatment. Tuesday is owl pellets this week.

8:18PM – Jimmy Wilkins motioned to adjourn. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk