October 7, 2019 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Sandy Jacquot brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mary Jane Hoffer, Elsie Middleton, Jimmy Wilkins, Stephanie Confer and Tim McNish were present at roll call. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts and City Attorney Jeff Heiman. Residents or township members attending included Dick Wingfield, Peggy and Larry Leslie.

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the September 16th, 2019. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Tim McNish motioned to approve the bills before the City Council. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

– Council reviewed complaint from resident Richard Wingfield. He had concerns regarding a Kansas Open Meetings Act Violation on 9/16/19. Mayor Sandy Jacquot addressed this concern and indicated that the situation where she had a conversation with an individual that is not on the city council after the council meeting was adjourned, but while the council was still mingling was not an open meetings act violation. Concern regarding the council accepting an incentive for free life insurance if employee of the city signed up for liberty national insurance was discussed. Mayor Sandy Jacquot addressed this concern stating the council had not determined if there was any interest in liberty national insurance. The insurance representatives had not reached out to the City with any additional information. Additionally the type of plan is considered a cafeteria plant and from the perspective the IRS considers city council members employees and therefore would be eligible for coverage if the city wished to proceed, which at this time they are not.

– Skid loader bids from KC Bobcat, McConnell Machine and Murphy Tractor were reviewed. The bids were all comparable. Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the bid from Murphy tractor for the skid steer as bid at $46395.00 payable out of the account funds as follows – $15,000 Equipment fund; $5,000 Water fund; $2500 Sewer fund, remaining to be paid out of the general fund. Then selling our Bobcat through purple wave. The income through that to be put back into the equipment reserve fund. Motion seconded by Tim McNish.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

– Council discussed recommendation from the planning commission regarding the text amendment for the Ag district to add event space as an additional allowed use instead of adding it as a text amendment. Council agreed and general consensus agreed to go with the planning commission’s suggestion to add as a special use. The council asked that Jeff Heiman make the changes and work up the paperwork for changes and have available at the next council meeting to vote on.

Rance Roberts –
– City Park trash cans have no lids and always fill up with water when it rains. It’s very hard to stomach when removing bags full of trash. Council discussed lid options; City clerk had pricing on some new trash cans with lids that are appropriate for outdoor use. They were listed for $600+ the council asked to look at more options. Councilman Jimmy Wilkins said to check with Pur-O-Zone
– The chair racks in the Community Building bolted to the wall have fallen again, this is the 2nd or 3rd time this has happened. A chair cart has been ordered that will carry 10 chairs at a time in and out of the room. Council discussed other options for attaching the rack holders to the wall and for supporting them so they will stay on longer. Glue a 2×10 to the concrete wall put legs on each end and using redheads screw to the wall.

Lynley Sanford –
– Douglas County zoning and code plans to update to the 2018 codes. They are asking if the City of Lecompton would also be updating their building codes to align with Douglas County. Reason for requesting Lecompton to update is because it affects the NFIP and CRS ratings.

Old Business –
– Jennifer Smith provided recommendations regarding replacing trees in the City Park. She provided a map with 6 locations for trees. Tree breeds included maples and oaks. Her recommendation was to plant oaks in February/March as they do better during that time when transplanted. The council discussed where to price tress, recommended Earl May and Lawrence Landscape, having each of those companies plant the trees, if they come with a warranty and whether or not we should wait to plant maples in Feb/March also.
– Playground equipment claim, received a letter from insurance company that a 2nd underwriting is going to review and provide an estimate.
– No updates on the property at 339 Halderman owned by Gregg Trendel at this time.
– 214 N. Elmore: Beverly Stauffer property. Some cleanup progress has been made, and the meadow to the North has been mowed. Council agreed it should continue to be monitored.
– City Clerk provided information regarding speed bumps. The examples provided were only 2” tall, the council asked to see if there are portable speed bumps that are a little taller and then bring pricing back to the next meeting.

New Business
– Mary Jane Hoffer provided an update regarding solid waste. The solid waste committee is having its 5 year review. 1 meeting is done, 1 more meeting to go. It was indicated at this meeting that Inland is dumping at rolling hills the majority of the time
– Elsie Middleton provided an E-community update; the group is looking for candidates for the 2020 leadership academy. This year they will be including City of Lawrence. There will be a fee this time, Douglas County Community Foundation will provide scholarships. The fee for class is $100 per class member. The group would like 5 members from each community to attend.
– E- Community participation, needing member at large. Elsie’s term is up to expire and Jamin’s term has expired and we have not been able to replace him. Elsie also mentioned the council may consider paying mileage because the meetings are sometimes held in Eudora and Baldwin. There is usually 1 meeting per month, but the meeting is often Thursday morning.
– Hach service contract – is it necessary to have them continue providing maintenance to our machine, do we even need this machine? Find out and report back at next meeting.
– E-communities youth entrepreneur challenge, open to 6th-12th graders. E-Communities would love it if someone from our school district would participate. They would need to write a business plan. Prizes are awarded as follows – 1st -$1500.00; 2nd $1000.00; 3rd $500.00
– Douglas County resources for food/clothing needs have Lecompton United Methodist Church food pantry listed, but council discussed and agreed to add the Clothes Closet.
– Just food mobile pantry was available last week – the truck has produce, a cooler and a freezer. Those attending the cooking class were able to shop on the mobile pantry.
– Senior services medicare enrollment assistance is coming up.
– Flu shots are the 15th at the Community Building
– Douglas County Senior Services is looking at a way to provide transportation 2x per month for seniors from Lecompton to Lawrence, will be fee based. Hope to have updates in the near future and that some individuals will participate.

8:27 PM – Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk