March 2nd, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mary Jane Hoffer, Stephanie Confer, Tim McNish, Matt Roberts and Owen Mallonee were present at roll call. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts and City Attorney Jeff Heiman. Residents or township members attending included: Richard Wingfield, David & Diane Swisher, Keith & Carol Noe, Jack Oglesby, Paul Bahnmaier, Rita Mathews, Richard & Karen Ice, Steve Boalman (KDOT), Sharon Anderson, Charlene Winter, Leo Anderson, Kelly Kultala, Gregory Burger, Casey Quigley, Elsie Middleton, William Gerdes, Cynthia & Dave Glenn, David Fuston, Margaret Fuston, Ed Daniels, Lori Wilkins, Robin (KDOT), Kris Norton (KDOT), Craig (HTNB).

Stephanie Confer motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the February 18th, 2020. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Matt Roberts motioned to approve the bills before the City Council. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Craig a representative with HTNB and Kris Norton with KDOT presented new option for the K10/I-70 interchange and South Lawrence West-leg Traffic way. They presented 3 new design options from feedback from the SEIS. Options include taking no action; add capacity freeway; and add capacity tolled freeway. In May 2019 there were some legislative changes that changed the way tolls can be applied to highways. The legislative change only allows for tolls to be collected on new roads, you cannot toll existing lanes.
Some options that are being considered include reconstructing a 4 lane highway from the Iowa/59 hwy to the k10-I70 interchange. Improvements to intersections would occur at K10 & Iowa and Wakarusa & K10. The intersection at 6th & Bob Billings would stay the same.
Another option included the addition of 2 new lanes (1 in each direction) which would be called Express lanes, and they would be tolled.
Support for toll lanes and low, but there was increased support (about 1/3 increase) for 1 free lane option with 2 toll lanes.
These tolling options would not be implemented (by the State/KDOT) unless the City of Lawrence and Douglas County requested it.
Additional options that were presented included changes to the K10/I-70 interchange.
Alt #1 presented a diamond interchange at would affect 40hwy/600rd/I-70. This would close access to K10 from Farmers turnpike. It would eliminate the curve from 600rd to 1800rd (Farmers Turnpike) and create a “T” intersection.
Alt #2 presented would allow access to K10 from 1800rd (Farmers Turnpike). New access to I-70 at Lecompton, where 600rd & 1800rd meet (near Retke Kennels). No diversion on HWY 40, Traffic pattern on 1800rd. would stay the same. It would affect local driveways/residences in that area more. 40 Hwy would have to be improved from 600rd. to K10 overpass.
Alt#3 presented would provide all access as it is currently where it is currently at 1800rd (Farmers turnpike), I70 & K10. A multilevel “fly over” bridge system would be built (probably 4 bridge levels). This would create additional ramps and multiple driving layers.
There will be another public meeting held in late April, possibly at South-West Junior high in Lawrence. More information will be provided later in March.

Dave Glenn – approached the council regarding the speed bump installed on 7th street. He agrees that it is doing a good job slowing down traffic. The only problem is the location is near his mailbox, and drivers are driving around the speed bump, into his yard. He is concerned that they will hit and damage his mailbox. He asked the council if they would consider moving the speed bump a little further to the East. The council asked the City Superintendent if he would try to move it. The superintendent has concerns about the stakes holding the speed bump not being easily removable and damaging the speed bump, but he will try.
The Glenn’s also spoke with the council regarding no stop sign at the 7th and Simons intersection. Kids on Simons street often ride their go-kart down the dead end street on Simons, but turn around on 7th. People leaving the trailer park pulling onto 7th drive fast and aren’t looking out for the kids. They requested a stop sign be installed in the east bound lane of 7th street.
The council asked City Attorney Jeff Heiman to review the procedure in the code that would allow for additional traffic control systems to be installed. Jeff will report back to the council.

David and Diane Swisher approached the council with concerns about the road surface on Southcrest. The new construction of a home on North Southcrest has muddied up the gravel road. They requested additional rock be put on Southcrest. Also, neighbors pulling into Southcrest from 7th street are cutting the corner and driving into their yard, now there is a dip at the entrance to Southcrest. David asked if there was anything that could be done about that.
David and Diane Swisher also requested a letter be sent to the residents at 641 Southcrest, they have engines hanging from hoists for months and other debris. The council asked that a friendly cleanup letter be sent to the home owners and for Rance to take pictures with the City camera.

Rance Roberts –
– Dog issue at the Grade School; a dog owned by Rick Walker has been loose twice in the last 2 weeks and chased kids at the grade school. The principal of the school has requested that something is done. The dog jumps on the kids and there is some concern that it is not the friendliest dog. The dog is not up to date with its registration with the City. The council requested that a letter be sent to Mr. Walker.
– Sewer line repair bids for the Southcrest Subdivision were reviewed. The scope of work from each vendor was more similar. After reviewing the bids Matt Roberts motioned to approve the bid from Breason Excavating. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Lynley Sanford –
– Reviewed property tax valuations on City properties as assessed by the County.
– Reviewed the insurance renewal as provided by AG insurance. The council asked that Angie be at the next council meeting to review coverage with the council. The council also asked to double check the ISO fire rating to see if that would affect the rates at all.

New Business –
– Mary Jane Hoffer requested on behalf of Mary Sue Sledd a donation for the Community Easter Egg hunt. Tim McNish motioned to approve a $300 donation to the Easter Egg Hunt. Matt Roberts seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
– The council discussed donations to Territorial Days, they would like to see a representative from the group at the next council meeting.
– The City Council reviewed the letter expressing support from the City Council for consolidation of the fire district. Tim McNish motioned to approve the letter supporting the consolidation. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Old Business –

8:39 PM – Matt Roberts motioned to adjourn. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk