City of Lecompton City Council Meeting Minutes February 1, 2021


7:00 P.M. Council Preside Stephanie Confer brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, and Matt Roberts were present at roll call. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts and City Attorney Jeff Heiman. Residents or township members attending at roll call included Morgan Haney, Burke and Susan Wood. Meeting was streamed on Facebook live.

Matt Roberts motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the January 19, 2021. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the bills before the City Council. Matt Roberts seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Burke and Susan wood were present, they have received a letter from Deanna Posik stating Deanna was planning on putting large rocks at her property line in the alley. The alley provides access to an accessory building for the Woods. Susan provided a timeline of access that has been provided that started in with an approved building permit and use of the alley in 2003. The council would like to see additional information regarding utilities in the alley and cost of realigning that segment.

Morgan Shockley – Territorial Days update for 2021. The plan is to move forward with a smaller event comprised mostly of local vendors/people so if cancellation at last minute was imminent, it would be manageable to do so.
The council liked the idea of the event, and the safety precautions that were in place and agreed the event could move forward.

Jeff Heiman –
– Revisited the alley issue and agreed that additional information regarding measurements and utilities should be known before moving forward.

Rance Roberts
– Furnace issues at water plant. The office furnace is not working, will need to look at replacement options in the near future.

Lynley Sanford
– Reviewed with the council a letter from John Carr expressing concern over how soft the water is at his residence. Rance will visit is residence and test the water softness and come back to the council with results.

Old Business –
– Update on Bridge on Boone St. The East side guard railing would be covered under the sidewalk project, but the West side guard rail would not be. The engineer indicated it might be more affordable to do the west side guard rail during the project and have it added as a “non-participating cost”.

New Business –
– Lecompton should be receiving COVID-19 self-test kits in the next two weeks. Plan is to provide them through the food pantry and City Office, and possibly the elementary school.

7:44PM – Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn. Matt Roberts seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk