City Council Meeting Agenda March 1, 2021


7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes – February 1, 2021

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

KDOT – Lecompton Sidewalk Loop funded/approved – Does the City want to go forward on project?
– Jason Hoskinson – CDBG review info for approved transportation improvement plan.

– AG municipal insurance – renewal review/approval

Rance –
– Water leak on E. Third street
– Updates on valve at Rural water building
– Update water-plant info (Tower/plant communication)
– W/P HVAC – discuss options/possibly review available bids

Lynley –

Old business –
– Bids for repairs at PRIDE building (cubby at west side stairs)
– Updates on alarm system issues at PRIDE building
– Updates on alley re-alignment/improvement

New business –
– Permit Electrical Inspection MHP lot 16C
– KDHE lagoon inspection 3/2/2021
– Street repairs needed – Dg. Co. needs street list by 3/12 to let out for bidding – Road history (2016 N. side of town was chip n’ sealed. 2018 S. side of town was completed, no chip in seal has been done in 3 years)
