City of Lecompton March 15, 2021 Agenda


7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes – March 1, 2021

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Rance –
– Updates on valve at Rural water building
– W/P HVAC – discuss options/possibly review available bids (if any)
– KDHE lagoon inspection 3/2/2021 – update on results (if any)
– Updates on plan for City maintenance building – (if any)

Lynley –
– 2020 Audit – any concerns? Jim Long review in April?
– Update from Dg. Co. Surveyor – (possibly)
– Theresa Bowser agreed to be the Lecompton Nominee for the Bicycle advisory committee
– Present the updated MPO – Bicycle plan
o Would we want new development properties to include bicycle parking?
 Would we want to pursue an amendment to our code to make that happen?
o Is there interest in getting assistance for grant for bicycle parking in downtown Lecompton?

Old business –
– Street repairs/contracting out work before chip n’ seal

New business –
– Wayne Riley resignation from LEPC emergency management at end of term & suggest successor.
