City of Lecompton Council meeting minutes July 19, 2021


6:55 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the budget hearing to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, and Matt Roberts. Councilman Owen Mallonee was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts, City Attorney Jeff Heiman. Residents or township members in attendance included: Kathy Paslay, Megan Barker, Morgan Shockley-Haney, Elsie Middleton, Susan Wood, Bob and Whitney Farrell, and John Hackathorn.

The City Council reviewed the 2022 budget and revisited the Revenue Neutral Rate and what that could possibly mean for the City in regards to having to refund excess funds. At general consensus of the council was to decide to say yes to exceed the revenue neutral rate and hold a special meeting. Changes to the 2022 budget will need to be made.
7:00 P.M. Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to close the Budget hearing. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeah/ 0 nays

7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Stephanie Confer and Matt Roberts were present at roll call. Council Member Owen Mallonee was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts, and City Attorney Jeff Heiman. Residents or township members in attendance included Kathy Paslay, Megan Barker, Morgan Shockley-Haney, Elsie Middleton, Susan Wood, Bob and Whitney Farrell, and John Hackathorn.

Matt Roberts motioned to approve the meeting minutes for the July 6, 2021. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays

Stephanie Confer motioned to approve the bills before the council, Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays

The City Council further discussed the revenue neutral rate at the 2022 budget. Councilman Matt Roberts motioned to approve notifying the Douglas County Clerk that the City of Lecompton is planning to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

– Morgan Haney spoke to the City council regarding the possible Holiday Parade. She is coordinating with Denise Collette; the parade will include lawn mowers, ATV’s, golf carts, side by sides, all decorated for Christmas. No cars, No Horses. They would like to start the parade lineup at the Lecompton Grade School, come North on Whitfield, East down Woodson ave, then back North on Elmore and loop around on Halderman to the PRIDE building. Santa at the Community Building is 6:30-8. Parade at 5:45. The city council suggested that law enforcement and additional volunteers be available for some traffic control at Woodson/Whitfield and Woodson/Elmore. Otherwise, to proceed with the parade.
– Morgan Haney spoke to the City Council regarding a notification she received from Douglas County Planning and Zoning regarding the opening of several “low maintenance”/ Non-through roads to connect with the lower river road. Of her particular concern is E. 400 road. The City Council asked that she send the information she has to the City Clerk, and if possible, the zoom meeting information.
– Megan Barker approached the City Council regarding a recycle container. She lives at Kroeger apartments. Kroegers has an independent solid waste contract, she will need to contact that vendor personally and speak with Kroegers about allowing it.
– Bob and Whitney Farrell were present to inform the City Council about vacating the Idyllwild subdivision to be a single family residence area. Some discussion about the vacation of Isacks street came up. More research is being done regarding that. Moving forward as more information is gained.
– Elsie Middleton was present to hear any updates regarding sales tax and how it might affect Lecompton Community Pride. City Attorney reviewed some state laws regarding sales tax, exemptions, and what qualifies for needing to collect sales tax. As he interprets the statutes, he agrees that in regards to “fundraising” for events like Territorial Days that PRIDE would need to continue to provide goods for suggested donations to avoid paying sales tax. Additional discussion about wording or donation structures was discussed. For example, donate $25, and receive this Frisbee golf item as a gift. Ultimately it would be up to Pride whether or not they would rather do fundraising using language that includes suggested donations, or if they would rather just collect and pay in sales tax.
– John Hackathorn was present to make a formal complaint regarding the property at 339 Halderman. It has been a year since any thing has happened with this property. Snakes, opossums, skunks are becoming a nuisance. There is water in the alley way ditch there because the grass is so tall that it’s breeding mosquitos. Grass needs cut, ditch needs scooped out.
City council discussed hiring someone to mow the property. Attorney Jeff Heiman recommended sending a nuisance violation letter to Greg Trendel regarding the property before moving forward with having someone mow. The property is up for Sherriff sale on the 29th of July.
Until we can get the ditches cleaned out to drain better, the council recommends mosquito control tablets to prevent continued breeding.
– Kathy Paslay asked the City Council if a crosswalk could be painted between the ramp in front of her store and either the steps up into the park or the handicap ramp at city hall, so there is a visual designated area. Also possible to paint a crosswalk at the Elmore and Woodson Ave. intersection across Elmore. St.
The City council does think it’s a good idea and will consider it.
Kathy also presented an idea to the council regarding the use of the vacant commercial lot just North of her current building. She would like to make a mini version of an early settlers/wester board walk. She would like to use pre-made sheds on skids (so they are temporary structures) placed upon gravel pads in a “U” shape around the property. Each shop will have a name and can be rented for independent vendors to sell things out of on the weekends. There will be a windmill in the middle, maybe a tractor and a couple of old wooden wagons.
The City Council asked the City Attorney to look into this some more, questions about power, and other zoning regulations for the buildings should be reviewed before moving forward.

Old Business –
– Reviewed bids from Wilks Handyman service for the lift station on 2nd street. The updated bid for the lagoons power pole has not been provided yet. Waiting on bids from 1 other company. The City asked this be put on the next agenda.
– Reviewed bid from Hicks concrete for concrete shoulder work along a portion of Woodson Ave. Council woman Stephanie Confer motioned to approve the bid from Hicks concrete. Councilman Matt Roberts seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
– Alley updates for 432 Elmore if any – no new updates at this time.

New Business –
– 1st floor windows in Men/Womens restroom at PRIDE building. This has been on the agenda before. Pella windows was out to look at the window, will have bids hopefully at next meeting. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins had an additional resource for another bid. Windows are in poor shape, looking at full replacement. Exhaust fan is not a requirement.
– Quick update from the Pride meeting on 7/14 – Thoughts and planning for events, commerce and expansion for the City of Lecompton. The council discussed the need to put together a 10 + year plan.
– Inquiry regarding radio towers came into City Office, Matt Wells with Skyward Land Services. He was extremely pushy. He looked at several properties, and was pushing for the City to Sign and form he indicated was a preliminary interest form with a verbal agreement of paying the city $700/mo for a radio tower lease. The City attorney reviewed the “interest form” and said the form is actually a preliminary contract with suggested fees and terms. He recommended not signing the document. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins had done additional research on this company and discovered that the City of Lawrence filed a cease and desist order because they representative was so pushy. The City of Lecompton may need to consider this if there is continued harassment regarding this request. At this point the City of Lecompton is not pursuing a contract to have radio/cell tower built.
– Jr. Kaws football president Emery Clark wanted to know if there was anything the kids that benefited from the City’s donation could do to help say thanks for donation. The City council thought about it, and suggested the kids participate in the upcoming activities, like the Holiday parade, Halloween event and next year’s Territorial Days.

Rance Roberts
– Spoke to the City Council about contracting with the City of Ozawkie as temporary superintendent until their operator is certified. City Council asked that Rance find more information and discuss at the next City Council meeting.
– 2nd aerator is on in Cell 2 lagoon.
– KRWA would like to write an article regarding the use of barley straw pellets in our lagoons to help control the filamentous algae in cell 3. Plan is Wednesday Jeff Lamfers with KRWA will come out and get info and photos and Rance will get the pellets in the lagoons.
– Charlie Schwindamann with KRWA was out to measure sludge depths. Rance talked compared depths especially in cell 2 and cell 3 compared to the 2016 measurements. Cell 2 has seen a reduction of sludge depth, however cell 3 has doubled. Probably part of the issue with algae growth. Will monitor over next couple months to see how barley straw pellets and added enzymes affect lagoon health and algae growth.

Lynley Sanford
– Thoughts/ideas for Trick o’treat Elmore Street. Council asked that this be on the agenda for the next city council meeting.
– Long CPA is no longer performing audits, they did recommend another agency for audits. Councilman Tim McNish also made a suggestion for accountants that do audits. Will send info to the City Clerk.
– Updated City Council on information received from KMIT regarding a survey they are using to collect information to form a possible health insurance plan/group for small municipalities.

– Susan wood asked that there be some kind of update at the next city council meeting regarding the alley at 432 Elmore, as there has been no updates for several weeks.

9:40 PM – Stephanie Confer motioned to adjourn. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk