City Council Meeting Agenda January 3, 2022

LECOMPTON AGENDA January 3, 2022

7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes – December 20th, 2021

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Oaths of Office:
– Jimmy Wilkins, Mayor
Owen Mallonee, Councilmember
Tim McNish, Councilmember

Newspaper – L.J. World
City Attorney – Jeff Heiman
City Clerk – Lynley Sanford
Council President – Currently Stephanie Confer
Current MPO representations: Tim McNish –Streets; Mary Jane Hoffer – Trash, Matt Roberts-Water
Owen Mallonee –Waste Water, Stephanie-Parks,

Jeff Heiman – Not at this meeting, will be at 1/18/2022

Rance –

Lynley –
– Resolution for 2022 GAAP waiver

Old business –
– David Burbank property
– Updates on 339 Halderman
– How do we want to start the process of dealing with/providing opportunities for economic development and revolving loan fund?

New business –
– Property valuations/coverages for municipal property insurance
– Council thoughts on City Improvements/beautifications: Splash Pad, New digital marquee. Other ideas
– Xmas décor thoughts – Giant xmas tree for city park next year, thoughts on new pole decorations
