7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Stephanie Confer, Owen Mallonee were present at roll call. Council Member Matt Roberts and Superintendent Rance Roberts were absent The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford and City Attorney Jeff Heiman. No resident or township members in attendance.
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the meeting minutes for January 3rd, 2022 Owen Mallonee seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays
Stephanie Confer motioned to approve the bills before the council, Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays
Jeff Heiman –
– David Burbank property at 520 E. 3rd- Council discussed proceeding with resolution to take action on order of violation. At this time the communication that David Burbank has provided has not indicated a plan on what or when he would address the issues listed in the order of violation. The City Council agreed that they would prefer to have the owner engaged to voluntarily bring his property into compliance. The council asked that Jeff send a letter. Revisit this issue in February at next city council meeting.
– 339 Halderman updates – Property has been assigned to the bank. Representatives for KC Greater Realty which are in charge of cleaning up the property have taken no further action to address concerns on the property including the metal roofing material which was ripped up during the wind event in December. The council would like to continue to pursue the structure as being unsafe or uninhabitable. The process would now need to be restarted with a new order of violation with the current owner information. Council asked that Jeff send a letter expressing concern over the interior conditions and that the City seeks to condemn the property. Have until February 7th to take action.
– Chapel at Lecompton updates if any – Information was finally provided to the County, they will look into it further. There appears to be at least 1 person living at the building, which would be allowed in zoning code for an R1 district.
Updates presented for Rance:
– Update: Electrical service has been connected to the new City Maintenance building. How would the council like to proceed with electrical wiring inside the building? Council agreed to go with Kaw Valley Electrical to get the job done.
– Kansas Gas Service has called locates, assume gas will be installed in the next 10 days.
– Lagoon update – it is possible that both the couplers on the aerators on cell 2 have burnt up, just as FYI – Rance will get those replaced as soon as possible.
– Water plant update regarding tower communication – with Owen Mallonee’s help, it was determined that was a bad power supply
– ESI Quote for new valve in RWD#3 valve. Owen Mallonee motioned to approve the bid for the repairs to the valve. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
– Planning Commission renewal of terms for members: Jamie Newman, Michael Shields, Martin Huerter and Erin Herschell. Owen Mallonee motioned to accept the renewal of their terms. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
– Council was reminded about the possibility of the senate districts being reapportioned. No new information was provided before the council meeting.
– Interstate Elevator contract up for renewal, an increase of $50.66 for 2022. Owen Mallonee motioned to approve the contract for elevator maintenance. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
– Update to the City Council that the new 2022 Notary law is in effect. Have a log book, required proof of identification, must keep log book for 10 years after last notary. Bond value will have to increase at next renewal.
– ARPA funds – start discussing what we want to use the funds for? Final rule information.
Old Business
– Review property valuations/coverages for municipal property insurance. Berkshire/Hathaway is no longer providing municipal insurance coverage, writing new policy with EMC.
– Need to decide on a CPA for the annual audit – only auditor that replied to our RFP is Gordon CPA. Jim Long things he is a good candidate. Tim McNish motioned to approve Gordon CPA for our annual audit. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
– Soft spot in Ft. Titus room – when would be a good time to look at it? Jimmy and Owen plan on looking at it this weekend.
– Radiator/boiler – condensate is blowing back into the boiler system. We need to contract with a company to perform regular maintenance on the system and give it a good once over.
New Business
– Stephanie Confer will not be at the next Council meeting.
8:13 PM – Stephanie Confer motioned to adjourn. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yays, 0 nays
Lynley Sanford, City Clerk