City of Lecompton City Council Meeting Minutes February 22, 2022


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, and Matt Roberts were present at roll call. Council member Stephanie Confer and Owen Mallonee were absent. The following were also present: City Superintendent Rance Roberts and City Clerk Lynley Sanford. No resident or township members were in attendance.

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the meeting minutes for February 7th, 2022 Tim McNish seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays

Matt Roberts motioned to approve the bills before the council, Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays

Rance –
– Council reviewed a bid for repairs to the air relief valve for the #2 High Service pump. Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the bid for repairs from Alliance pump. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.
– The maintenance building has been located for the 4th time for the gas company. Tonia with Kansas Gas said she wasn’t called about the gas line being piped out of the building being completed. She will get back in touch with Rance.

– Discussed with City Council about options with ARPA funds – and accepting the final rule before it goes into effect and the option to take the standard revenue loss provision.
Matt Roberts motioned to take the standard revenue loss provision as allowed by the federal final ruling. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 yay, 0 nay.

Old Business
– City Council discussed additions and improvements on the City Wish list. The Council is very interested in improving the play-ground, adding play-ground equipment, a new digital marquee, better park lighting. Consider a second pavilion and bicycle parking pad.
– We are in need of replacing the main City Truck, we are considering 2015 Ford F250 V10 4×4, extended cab models. The Council discussed options on how to go about purchasing the truck without having to wait so long between council meetings for approval.
Matt Roberts motioned to approve a truck purchase up to the amount of $35,000 Dollars. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.

New Business
– City Council discussed donations for the LUMC Easter Egg Hunt. Matt Roberts motioned to approve $375 Donation towards the event. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.
– Council discussed the Hall Nature Reserve and the consideration by the KU Endowment fund of selling the land. The Council discussed how that might affect the City of Lecompton. At this time the City did not take any action.

7:33 PM – Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn. Matt Roberts seconded the motion.
Motion passed 3 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk