City Council Meeting Agenda 3.21.2022

LECOMPTON AGENDA March 21st, 2022

7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call – No Jimmy (Mayor), No Stephanie Confer (Council President), Councilman Tim McNish will lead meeting.

Approve minutes – March 7th, 2022

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Rance –

Lynley –
– Account for E-Commerce fund has been created –
– 2021 Financial audit is completed –
– Spring cleanup – Sunday – 4/24 1p-4p meet at pride – cleaning trash/litter out of Lecompton
– Consider 60 day permit for Peters garage 2047 E. 600 rd.

Old business –

New business –
– Territorial Days/Morgan Shockley-Haney – Territorial Day Donation (Last donation of $3000 made 2020)
– Jeff Morris – 405 E. Woodson – Home disrepair concerns
– Request for credit card or online bill pay option from Norraine Wingfield
– Update present City Council regarding dog attack issue – will discuss action at meeting on 4/4/22
– USPS – Email from Senator Moran
