City Council Agenda April 18th, 2022

LECOMPTON AGENDA April 18th, 2022

7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes – April 4th, 2022

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

– Planning Commission requests City Council consider for approval the Re-Plat of the Idyllwild Sub-division, consolidating remaining lots into 1 parcel and being re-named Hinterlands. New owners are
Whitney and Bob Farrell.

Rance –

Lynley –

Old business –

– Letters of Violation sent to: Jeff Morris -405 E. Woodson, Richard Nichols barn at 600 & 1851 Diagonal Rd. Mike Coffman at 645 E. Second, Dennis Stauffer for conditions at the meadow at 2nd and Elmore St.; Bill Willis at 421 Elmore, Steve/Rita Fischer at 409 Whitfield;
Questions regarding exact concerns for properties at 415 Whitfield. The complaintant stated the structure looked dilapidated, but no specifics were provided. Are the concerns here about roof/fascia/gutters near the front of the house? Are there other issues that I’m (Jeff) just not picking up on from the photos?
Also for 214 Elmore St, is there an issue with a section of the roof/facia/gutters near the front of thishouse? Also, is there a concern about junk in sideyard and/or backyard? Not really seeing any, but I’m just not sure what violations I need to include in the order for this property.
– Chris Alexander got the tree down in the alleyway.
– Suggestions for Park improvement
– Chuck Keifer has been contacted about the concrete work at the maintenance building. That project is being scheduled. Just FYI – cost of materials and fuel has increased since the bid (from September of last year), so we will see a little bit of a price increase.
o Mentioned last meeting for Chuck to make repairs at Elsie Middleton’s driveway entrance – Do we repair entrances at church, alley ways and other driveways?
– Sidewalk plan: discuss updated project projection

New business –
– Bahnmaier Road access situation/Clark street
– Kristen Neibarger resignation letter
– Adoption of animal control assistance with Douglas County
