City Council Meeting Minutes May 16th, 2022


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, and Matt Roberts were present at roll call. Council Woman Stephanie Confer was absent. Councilman Owen Mallonee arrived at 7:03pm. The following were also present: City Superintendent Rance Roberts and City Clerk Lynley Sanford. Residents or township members in attendance included Lori Wilkins, Kathy Paslay, Greg Howard, Paul Bahnmaier and BG Engineer Jason Hoskinson..

Matt Roberts motioned to approve the meeting minutes for May 2nd, 2022 Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays

Tim McNish motioned to approve the bills before the council, Matt Roberts seconded the motion.
Motion passed 3 yeas, 0 nays

Jason Hoskinson, engineer with BG Consultants provided an update and review of the sidewalk project map. The council discussed any change considerations to the route. Public meetings for open comment will be held this summer, and final design should be ready by early fall, project should be let out for bid this fall and construction to begin spring 2023.

Greg Howard was present on behalf of Tom Meyer to talk to the council about the Lecompton Ball Field improvement projects. Tom has volunteered much of his own time and money into making some improvements to the ball field and is starting a rec league that will hold tournaments on the weekends. There are some big improvements projects that Tom is not able to fund himself, so donations are being requested to help move these projects forward.
Matt Roberts motioned to donate $2000 towards the project. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Kathy Paslay provided an update for “Bald Eagle Landing” – small vendor/store units. She is bringing in temporary shed units to create a “small shops” area. There will be a board walk around the front the of shops, and an area for seating, and displays of pioneer times things (covered wagon). The small shops will have hours of operation to match Bald Eagle Mercantile. The use/rental of the small shops will be managed by Kathy.
Target date to open will be fall 2022.

Paul Bahnmaier – Provided an update about his opportunity to speak with Senator Moran regarding the Lecompton Post office.
Also, this year is the 40th anniversary of Lane University being re-opened as a museum. Local artist Ellen Duncan will be selling her art. 50% the sale of each painting will be donated to support Lane.
Paul also showed the council a copy of a rendering of the Free State Legislature that met at Constitution Hall in Lecompton.

General updates on property’s that received code violation letters:
– 405 E. Woodson – served by certified letter 5/2/22. Deadline to request hearing 5/5 – Has not contacted office, waived hearing? Deadline to abate conditions 6/9/22 – will review at meeting on 6/20

– 600 &1851 Diag. Rd. – served by first class mail on 5/6/22. Deadline to request hearing 5/16/22 – Hearing has been requested and set for 6/6/22. Deadline to abate nuisance 5/16/2022

– 421 Elmore – Property owner served by certified mail on 4/25/22; Tennant served by first class mail 5/6/22. Property owner request for hearing deadline 5/5/2022 – they have not contacted the office – hearing waived? Property owner deadline to abate violations 5/5/2022 – no improvements attempts made by property owner.
Tennant deadline to request hearing 5/16/22 –waived?
Tennant deadline to abate violations 5/16/22 – The daughter of the tenant called indicating she would be working on the violations and hoped to have them abated by the 16th, but may need a little more time. Council has seen some work done on the premises, will re-evaluate on 6/6/22.

– 409 Whitfield – Served notice by first class mail on 5/6/22. Deadline to request hearing 5/16/22 – Hearing has been requested and set for 6/6/22. Deadline to abate environmental conditions 6/20/22

– 530 E. Third – Served by certified mail on 4/25/22. Deadline to request hearing 5/20/22 – Hearing has been requested and set for 6/6/22. Deadline to abate environmental conditions 6/24/22

– 645 E Second – Served by certified mail on 5/2/22. Deadline to request hearing 5/9/22 – Hearing has been requested and set for 6/6/22. Deadline to abate all violations: 5/12/22

Rance –
– Well cleaning project has taken several days – should be back on our water by
– Called Dig Safe for cleaning ditch at Lemings on Whitfield.

– Reviewed bid tabulation for Salt bid. 4 bids were provided in the tabulation.
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to go with Hutchinson Salt Co. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yays, 0 nays.
– The senate re-districting map was being reviewed during State session tonight. It is expected that both maps that have been presented will be voted down, just as an update. This could be good or bad for Lecompton. Hopefully with the new map, Lecompton will be considered to be kept with Lawrence/Douglas County instead of being split.
– Water tower inspection bids from 3 companies were reviewed.
Owen Mallonee motioned to go with Central Tank and Tower. Matt Roberts seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
– The state reduced the fee for temporary permits to sell alcoholic liquor to $25/day. Our city code says the fee is set at $50/day. Would the council like Jeff to write an ordinance to match the state fee or see if this is something the City could charter out of to keep our current fee schedule? General consensus is to have Jeff write an ordinance to match the state set fee.
Administrative updates:
– Still training for online credit card payments. Hopefully start going live after June 1st.
– Council members up for re-election that should file before noon on June 1st: Matt Roberts, Mary Jane Hoffer, Stephanie Confer.

– Building permit for 120 E. Woodson Ave. (New construction at Woodson/Clark). This building plan has been pre-approved by Douglas County Zoning/Codes by Asst. Director Tina Rakes.
Tim McNish motioned to approve the building permit. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
– Electric project/Solar Panel installation for 1257 E. 7th St.
Matt Roberts motioned to approve the Electrical project permit. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Old Business
– We will only have 1 part time person for help this summer. Need to look at the previous applications, but clerk needs assistance with contacting the people. Councilwoman Mary Jane Hoffer offered to call back and interview the prior applicants. The City Clerk will scan and email the information on the applicants to Mary Jane.
– Update on meeting with Lawrence Humane Society – They are interested in coordinating with us to assist with stray dog and vicious animal issues. They would like to see some harmonizing in our city code with wording in regards to breed bans, etc. City Attorney Jeff Heiman will work the attorney for Lawrence Humane Society to help move this coordinated effort forward, so each party has a clear understanding and expectation of what would happen for vicious animal attacks or stray dog pickup.
– Update on street access issue on Clark St. – A resident on Clark St. applied for a building permit with Douglas County. Their home/property is outside the city limits. During plan review, it was realized that while there is a physical street that goes North to the City wells, and the city has access by easement. Clark St. is not a platted street or considered a through street so the permit could not be approved. Mayor Wilkins and Clerk Sanford met with county surveyor and zoning to discuss the best solution. Just annexing Clark Street an additional 160 feet (approximately) to the north would resolve the access issue. Clerk Sanford will work with City Attorney Jeff Heiman on this.

New Business
– June 6th meeting will start with public hearings from violation letters sent.
– Concerns over someone living in shed and in camper at 436 Isacks. It’s a new owner there and she may not know the code issue with this. City Council asked that a letter be sent to the property owner.
– Digital speed limit sign for West Woodson Ave – Mayor Wilkins will look into this since it is a county road. Or an alternative for at least a temporary speed limit /speed sensing sign to help slow traffic down through town.

9:12 PM – Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk