City Council Meeting June 20, 2022


7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call

Approve minutes – June 6, 2022

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Jamin Nally – concerns regarding Seventh Street – hole

Rance –
* Part time employee situation – possible 2nd full time person
* Ordering new pumps $$

Lynley –
* Planning Commission. – No updates from 6/8/22 meeting
* Pedestrian plan update – see packet

Old business –
– De-annexation request and steps moving forward – an amendment or new request is anticipated.
o No current update: Richard Nichols has been asked to provide an updated request. Waiting on that to move forward.

New business –
– Reported concern regarding old Joe Stauffer property

City improvements project status updates:
• Completed: Park trees removed, stumps have been ground, water fountain removed
• Project considerations: 1. Digital corner Marquee
2. Re-landscape Park to include back fill eroded areas around pavilion and stairs, playground edging, new sand, improved grass, remove concrete from “coil spring” rockers; consider additional equipment.
3. Cedar fascia boards around pavilion roof need replaced, Pavilion needs power washed and re-sealed.
