City Council Meeting Agenda July 18, 2022


7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call

Approve minutes – July 05, 2022

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Jim Long – 2023 Budget review/approval for publication – Budget hearing and Revenue Neutral Rate on September 6th, 2022

Jon Petty – Update with group meetings at CB and putting in a locking file cabinet in chair room

Rance –
– Gone 7/20-7/22 (Wednesday – Friday)

Lynley –

Old business –
– Street hole – Curb inlet box
– Re-evaluate concrete bid approval – decide to choose another company?

New business –
– Review applications for F/T employment – who to call in for interviews
