August 7, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Stephanie Confer, and Steve Freeman were present at roll call. City Attorney Jeff Heiman, Superintendent Rance Roberts and City Treasurer Tabetha Mallonee were also present. Councilman Owen Mallonee and City Clerk Lynley Sanford were absent. The following residents or township members present included: Troy Clark, Elsie Middleton, Richard Wingfield and Susan Wood.

Stephanie Confer motioned to approve the meeting minutes from July 17th, 2023. Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Stephanie Confer motioned to approve the bills. Steve Freeman seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Public Comments –
– Richard Wingfield questions in regards to the sewer lines on South Whitfield and Simons Street. Sewer plugged a few years ago. Concerned there is no manhole. Would like to have the sewer main flushed.
– Concern over weeds overgrown at the property on 5th street.
– AT&T /Nabholz – waiting on further information in regards to the project at the AT&T building. Stewart Reynolds is the project lead on this.

Lecompton Community Empower updates:
– LCE is working on sidewalk grant for additional work in front of former Lecompton Rural High School
– LCE is working on repairing/restoring flood lights on stage (along floor) – through campaign for good.
– LCE is going to purchase weather stripping, and if possible have Rance/Kyle install around all sides of the doors before winter to help stop air getting into the building
– LCE noted a drip over the East Entrance door. It appears a leak up from the gutter is dripping down above the door on people, can we have it checked out and JB welded or sealed?
– LCE just wanted to let the council know that during the last major storm (July 14th) there was water that blew in from somewhere on the 2nd floor kids dance room, and the 1st floor woman’s restroom
– LCE is looking to have hand rails installed at the South and West entrances – they will be metal/wrought iron hand rails.
Jeff Heiman
– 501 Halderman Mitch Wofford violations updates: issue were too hens/roosters/keeping of animals. No current responses to violation letter. Council asked another letter be sent.

Rance Roberts –
– Ordered a new Colorimeter machine
– Electrical issues at tower, now repaired
– Playground equipment install and grading at the park. Ground is un-level, need to build a retaining wall before installing the equipment.
– 2011 Chevy truck is ready to swap beds.

New Business
– 2024 Budget pre-review – ready to publish notice to exceed RNR and Budget hearing on September 5th, 2023
– Utility Rates – table next meeting
– City Staffing – table next meeting

Sidewalk Project
– Council used scoring sheet to decide on contractor consulting firm for the sidewalk project. After calculating the scores, BG scored 100; Pfefferkorn scored 84 – City council asked that the City Clerk notify KDOT we are proceeding with BG Consultants.

– ATT representative is coming tomorrow to meet Rance & Jimmy at 7th and Jones street to evaluate the damage from boring.
– Truck/Semi parking outside lagoons is Ben Allison – His son lives in trailer court, alleges he was told he gained permission to park there from someone at city hall. Council thoughts to put up no trespassing sign? No dumping sign? No public parking, violators will be towed? Tim will try to talk to him if he can’t find him Jimmy will talk to Douglas County Sheriff.
– Jeff Morris was supposed to be painting – no updates
– Kathy Paslay port-a-potty not happening – electrical is in progress
– City codification – waiting on sidewalk project
– Need to install handicap signs in front of restaurant and repaint stripes

8:09pm Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to go into executive session for 10 min to discuss non-elected personnel

8:21pm Jimmy Wilkins brought the regular council meeting back to order.

Letters for overgrown vegetation: 710 Simons – roof damage: 708 Simons camper in field

Tim McNish – Breason will be doing work at the maintenance building. Asked about sewer, its already installed

8:27 PM – Stephanie Confer motioned to adjourn. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk