October 2, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Stephanie Freeman, Steve Freeman and Owen were present at roll call. City Attorney Jeff Heiman, and City Clerk Lynley Sanford were also present. City Superintendent Rance Roberts was absent. The following residents or township members present included: Kevin Confer and Elsie Middleton.

Owen Mallonee motioned to approve the meeting minutes from September 18th, 2023. Steve Freeman seconded the motion.
Mary Jane Hoffer stated she felt additions regarding general conversation about updates should be added to the minutes, but could not specifically state what was missing from the minutes. It was decided between council members that it was possible discussion about email communication between the City Attorney and City Clerk. After discussing what it could be, it was assumed that it was in regards to the AT&T waterline break issue.
Mary Jane Hoffer also felt that there was additional information missing regarding an update from Douglas County to the city clerk in which Douglas County had provided an update regarding a property recently de-annexed from the City limits. The property is at the corner of 600 and Diagonal road owned by Richard Nichols. The property update was that the property was determined to be condemned.
Council Member Tim McNish stated that the council should not be talking about a property that is no longer in the City Limits.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the bills. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Mary Jane Hoffer questioned the payroll for City employee Lynley Sanford, the total hours paid add up to 87 hrs, but the hours paid line on the record of ordinance reads 80 hrs. Clerk Lynley Sanford said it was an error, she overlooked changing the total hours paid out when updating the record of ordinance form, but was paid for 87 hrs. The over time was for keeping up with clerical work while assisting with park equipment install.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

KDOT sidewalk project update. KDOT sent a letter for the City to approximate the amount of matching funds we are willing to dedicate to the sidewalk improvement project. The estimated dollar amount the city decided on is the amount that does not include the already paid for non-participating costs.
Stephanie Confer motioned to approve an amount of $233,000 as the budgeted amount for the KDOT sidewalk project. Which does not include the additional $87,500.00 already paid of non-participating preliminary engineering or the additional cost of the easement purchases. Steve Freeman seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Resident Debrina Most was not present at the council meeting. Debrina Most had called into city hall with a complaint over an incident on 7th street. A tree company had 7th street coned off in the area they were working, while doing a tree removal project. Debrina stated to the clerk that she didn’t realize she couldn’t go through 7th street, and had to back up to turn around. As she backed attempted to back into an East facing driveway she drove into the ditch on 7th street and became high-centered.
Her vehicle was pulled out by a community member. She would like the ditch fixed or corrected for the safety of children. And fixing the ditches along 7th street is more important that sidewalks in the city.
The City Council took no action.

Jeff Heiman
– No updates at this time

Rance –
– Absent from meeting

Lynley –
– KDHE perfection period for well no. 44848 update to council on what that is, and we will be renewing the perfection period for 5 years.
– Revenue Neutral Rate and 2024 budget. The mill levy stated in the RNR rate estimate to the county in July is the rate the city will receive payment for.

New Business
– The pot-hole repairs on Jones Street, the council was under the impression that they would be re-chip n’ sealed. Could Rance please call Mike Curry to have those patches chipped?
– Stephanie Confer recommended that the City Mayor become part of the Territorial Day Parade. He should lead the parade and do a welcome speech.
– The Man hole in the driveway off 5th street. The man-hole lid was raised, but is currently covered by dirt. The City would like the property owner informed that the man hole needs to remain exposed in the event we need access. The council would like Jeff Heiman to send a letter to the property owner regarding this issue.
– The property owner at 405 E. 5TH Street hired a contractor to do some dirt work. That contractor tore up the street a little bit. Council would like the property owner notified that they could be liable for repair for damages.
– Mary Jane Hoffer wanted to know when the old green city truck would be listed on purple wave. Both trucks will be listed when we get the blue truck back.
o Mary Jane would like to know when a flashing light or lights will be added to the side by side so the side by side is more visible for safety.
o Mary Jane said she has seen the city employees out reading meters, and they need to be wearing safety vests so they are more visible.

Old Business
– No old business was discussed

7:56 PM – Stephane Confer motioned to adjourn. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk