November 20, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mary Jane Hoffer, Stephanie Confer, Steve Freeman and Owen Mallonee were present at roll call. Council Member Tim McNish and City Superintendent Rance Roberts were absent. City Clerk Lynley Sanford was also present. The following residents or township members present included: Troy Clark and Susan Wood.

Owen Mallonee motioned to approve the meeting minutes from November 6, 2023. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays

Steve Freeman motioned to approve the bills. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Lynley – Updates for City Council
– The City Council generated a list of improvements and we were able to accomplish many of them and more in the last year. Here is a brief overview of improvement projects completed: New Christmas Pole light decorations; New playground Equipment; repaired park lighting, Santa Throne, Dirt work/grading at city park, better sand containment for park, repairs to Community Building bathroom ceiling, repair crack in N.E. corner of community building, more sturdy chair storage in Community Building, Replace fascia trim at park pavilion, power-wash and reseal park pavilion, chip n’seal South end of town. We also updated city vehicles, purchased a side by side, and new sand/salt street treatment equipment including snow plows for both City Trucks and side by side.

– City Fund movements: Funds were transferred from the following banking accounts into the
City’s checking account:
• Community Development Grant fund – $1362.23 (account closed)
• Money Market – $200,000
Total: $ 201362.23

– The City paid for the KDOT sidewalk project from the funding sources as follows:
o ARPA Fund – $99806.38
o General Fund – $97831.39
o Special Highway – $50000
o Capital Improvement -$41000
o Community Development – $1362.23
Total: $290,000.00

Council woman Stephanie Confer happened to meet Calvin Reed with KDOT. He asked if the City was going to do a press release or ground breaking for the project. Council thought it was a good idea and will think about it.

– The Council had conversation about City funds being invested in the highest earning potential accounts as possible. Rates were presented to the council for current accounts and discussion about the City having some restrictions on banking institutions as set by State Statute was discussed.
Council was informed that three Certificates of Deposit would be maturing at the end of November and would automatically roll over into certificates of deposit again at 1% or less interest rate unless we did something else with them. With the funds needed to kick-off the sidewalk grant the thought of having more readily available funds, if needed was brought up.
Stephanie Confer motioned to withdraw the certificates of deposit upon maturity and put them into a money market account earning at least 2.5% interest. Steve Freeman seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Mary Jane Hoffer inquired about the process of the tire drop off location at the lagoons and expressed concerns over the honor payment system repayment practice the city has been operating by. Also concerns over safety for individuals dropping tires off. The council discussed, and decided a city employee should be present to count and track the tires to make sure the city is accurately being reimbursed for the tires.

– Council discussed years of service awards – no action was taken

New Business
– How to best invest/re-invest city idle funds
– Urban Boundary/growth area. Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization is not familiar with any growth areas for Lecompton. Lawrence did edit their urban boundary. The changes did not affect the West side of Lawrence or further encroach on Lecompton. City Council would like to establish if we do not already have an official urban growth boundary area.
– City Council asked that updating City Codes be on the next council agenda.

7:42pm – Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk