May 6, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Troy Clark, Mary Jane Hoffer, Stephanie Confer, Steve Freeman and Owen Mallonee were present at roll call. City Attorney Jeff Heiman, City Superintendent Rance Roberts and City Clerk Lynley Sanford were also present. There were no residents or township members present. Jason Hoskinson with BG Consultants was present.

Troy Clark motioned to approve the meeting minutes from April 16th 2024. Steve Freeman seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Stehanie Confer motioned to approve the bills. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Jason Hoskinson spoke to the City Council regarding the tank remediation options and KDOT updates. Essentially there are 2 options. 1.) Remove fluid – have tanks filled in place. Hire a geologist to perform soil tests. City would responsible for 100% of costs. If additional soil remediation is necessary, City would be responsible for those costs as well.
Option 2.) City agrees to removal of the tanks, KDHE will participate by covering the cost of soil sample testing, KDOT will include the cost of removing tanks under the sidewalk grant and splitting overall cost 80/20. City would be cost sharing for much of the expense.
City attorney asked if the tanks are in the right of way and if the tanks were under the foundation of the home. The tanks are in the right of way and it is not believed that they are located under the foundation of the home.
The general consensus of the City Council is they are on board with removing the tanks. Jason will move forward with KAAZ and KDOT.
Other sidewalk updates:
– Ms. Bunce has been followed up with, and she will contact preferred lawn to start having plants moved.
– 3rd & Halderman will receive an additional section of pipe by collaring two pipes together to prevent undermining. And then that intersection will be completed.
– RCB on Boone is slowing sidewalk construction a little bit. Once box is done, work will continue up Woodson to Whitfield before moving south along Boone St.
Council talked with Jason about all the brick sidewalks not being put back as brick. Complaints were shared to council members outside the city council meeting. It is also noted that residents called into City Hall with complaints and residents also shared complaints directly to the project watcher with BG consultants.
It seems there was a miscommunication and the plans were submitted for the KDOT grant with the brick only being replaced around the downtown businesses and city-park. Jason did bring a quote for putting in one more block from the Alley at the park up to Isacks street in Brick. The bid came in at $10,000 if no additional brick needed to be purchased. 8 pallets of brick would be needed and there is only 1 ½ pallets of salvaged bricks.
Stephanie Confer motioned to stop with the brick sidewalk on the South end of the park at the Alley, and continue on the with rest of the sidewalk project as bid with concrete. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Brad Christman’s corner at 3rd and Elmore. City Council discussed the complaint about the sidewalk grade work. Brad Christman had reached out to Councilman Owen Mallonee regarding water leaking into his basement after the last rain. Brad claims there had not been any prior water issues in the basement. The City Council discussed the sidewalk work and that all work was done within the road easement. No further action was taken.

Rance Roberts
Updates to council:
– Concerned about lead/copper survey inventory for EPA requirement. We have had a 20% or less response to the surveys. What action would the City Council like to see? Will superintendents have to go door to door to take inventory?
– Richard with Patchen pump and well services is no longer employed there. Will have to go with a different company moving forward.
– Having issues with high service pumps – think bearings are going bad in the motor?? Patchen guy used to assist in taking care of that.
– RWD #3 recommended Brotcke well & pump services. They will be out here doing work for RWD #3 and could do work for us while here. Council asked Rance to get a quote on services we need to see if they are reasonably priced.
Stephanie Confer motioned to check with Brotcke well & Pump services on scheduling. If repairs are doable and the quoted cost is approved by Jimmy Wilkins & Steve Freeman, then have the work completed. Troy Clark seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5yeas, 0 nays.

Lynley –
– Updated that Rachell Haverkamp did get he second dog vaccinated and registered at the City veterinary clinic.
– There are 2 pits at 545 Whitfield that run at large. These dogs are not registered at City Hall. Please send them a notice to register their dogs and to keep them leashed and not to run at large. Also send to the property management company.
– 8th grad graduation is the same day as the next City Council meeting and my nephew is graduating. I would like to attend the ceremony. Stephanie Confer will take notes at the next meeting.

Old Business
– No old business

New Business
– Council member Mary Jane Hoffer will be attending a zoom solid waste management meeting on 5/14 @ 9am.
– Permit #24-309 – Accessory structure building permit for Rob Miller for a pool/pool house.
Stephanie Confer motioned to approve the building permit. Steve Freeman seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays
– Permit #FW1-2024 For Jakes Fire Works stand at 505 Eisenhower.
Troy Clark motioned to approve the Fire Works stand permit. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays
– Permit #24-310 – New residential building permit for Robert and Whitney Farrell on Clark Street. Stephanie Confer motioned to approve the building permit contingent upon receipt of permit fees and proof of approval of septic system permit. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

8:18pm – Stephanie Confer motioned to adjourn. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk