August 5, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Troy Clark, Mary Jane Hoffer, Stephanie Confer, Steve Freeman and Owen Mallonee were present at roll call. City Superintendent Rance Roberts and City Attorney Jeff Heiman were also present. City Clerk Lynley Sanford was absent. Residents or township members present included Belinda Janes, Susan Wood, Jamin Nally, Mary Hyde, Paul Bahnmaier, and Maxine Brouhard.

Steve Freeman motioned to approve the meeting minutes from July 15th, 2024. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Troy Clark motioned to approve paying the bills. Steve Freeman seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Mary Hyde at 449 Whitfield spoke to the council regarding the ditch on the west side of Whitfield, which is the East edge of her yard. Erosion from that ditch is clogging up neighboring drainage tubes. Council discussed options to reduce erosion issue. When Rance has a chance, he will put rip rap in the ditch to help stabilize the soil.

Paul Bahnmaier spoke to the council about the Lecompton Community Empowerment building as space for the Kansas Barn Alliance Conference. The conference would like to do wine flight samples from Empty Nesters winery, with the potential for attendees to purchase full bottles. What are the pride group rules? Can the city allow a variance to allow alcohol on city owned property? Will State ABC license allow for off premise consumption?
Empty Nesters will look into what their license will allow. City attorney and City Clerk will work on researching consumption variance.

Jeff Heiman – No updates for the City Council

Rance Roberts –
– Provided an update to the city council regarding well cleaning for the water plant. Acidizing of well is in progress, check valve is being replaced.
– Walk through with BG consultant to look at upgrades for a grant was done.
– Tap at new Clark Street residence is into a poly water line. Some concerns over doing the tap, the city lacks the tools. Consider subcontracting with an excavator that is familiar with working with this type of pipe.

Lynley –
– Absent
– Memo to the council: An electric inspection permit no. 24-313 was issued for 708 Simons on 8/2 so electricity could be started.

Old Business updates –
– Council reviewed job applicants that came in for shadow day and would like to set up times to interview both of them. Mary Jane will call to setup interviews.
– Brad Mallonee submitted a job application to work part time temporary/seasonal. He will be keeping his regular day time job, but is willing to work after hours and weekends as needed. He is requesting $20 per hour.
Stephanie Confer motioned to approve hiring Brad Mallonee as part time, temporary/seasonal. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays (1-abstain, Owen Mallonee)
– Memo: USD 343 has paid permit fees, permit was picked up on 8/2/2024

New Business
– Mary Jane Hoffer has received some concerns from other residents about parking on Halderman. The residents at 311 Halderman park in the South-bound lane. Would really be better if they could park a little further off the street.
– Walk through punch list for the sidewalk construction: Issues brought to the council attention
o Maxine Brouhard not happy with the fence on the North end of her property. The top rail was damaged during the sidewalk construction project when taking out trees.
 As a side note Maxine Brouhard mentioned the school district approached her about tapping into her sewer main in the middle of her yard.
o Susan Wood said the brick on the south end of the sidewalk is popped up a bit still.
o Belinda Janes indicated the cleanup crew just covered up the brick with dirt between the sidewalk and the ditch and then put down matting but no seed. She had to cleanup a wheelbarrow full of debris the construction crew left.
– A/C for pride building is needed. It is a 42,000 btu:3-1/2 t Unit. Jimmy will make some calls to get it replaced. The window unit in the owls nest, just pick up a new one and replace it.
– Mayor Jimmy Wilkins would will look into the cost associated with replacing the street signs.
– The property owners on 5th street with the vacant lot and trailer house have all got over grown. A letter should be sent to address this.

8:18pm – Steve Freeman motioned to adjourn. Stephanie Confer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk