7:00 P.M. Mayor Jimmy Wilkins brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore St. Lecompton, KS. Council Members Troy Clark, Mary Jane Hoffer, Steve Freeman and Owen Mallonee were present at roll call. Council Members Stephanie Confer was absent. City Attorney Jeff Heiman, Assistant City Superintendent Ryan Davis and City Clerk Lynley Sanford were also present. Residents or township members present included Andy Snyder, Jack Oglesby, Debbie Powell, Elsie Middleton and Paul Bahnmaier.
Troy Clark motioned to approve the meeting minutes from September 16th 2024. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays
Steve Freeman motioned to approve the bills before the council with corrections to the record of ordinance. Troy Clark seconded the motion
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays
Andy Snyder spoke to the council regarding an existing sewer connection at 708 Simons, the original connection was supposed to be made directly to the main, however it was not, and it was daisy chained to an adjacent property which is vacant. It was found in the 2001 meeting minutes where this property was assessed a tap fee charge.
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to waive the sewer connection fee since sewer connection already exists and the fee at that time of connection had been paid. Owen Mallonee seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Ryan Davis –
– Wells/Water plant updates: The 3” pig is stuck in the supply line somewhere between the wells and the water plant. Have been getting a fair amount of iron mud out. Water volume has been low. The wells are all rebuilt. Tuesday Alexander pump will be here with a jet pump to help pressurize the line and move the pig through.
– Found a special tap for the HDPE pipe that is needed for the water tap at 232 Clark. Will find out pricing and where to order to get one, this is instead of buying specialized equipment.
Lynley –
– Update the City Council regarding Lead Copper Service Line inventory
Old Business updates –
– Bob/Whitney Farrell building permit for 232 Clark St. for an accessory structure. They have an active permit for a residence, this is a new permit for an accessory structure.
Troy Clark motioned to approve the building permit for 232 Clark, Steve Freeman seconded the motion
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 Nays,
New Business
– Mayor Wilkins met with the school maintenance superintendent at the Old Gymnasium. Some concerns regarding the condition of the building were discussed such as the roof needing replaced, inefficient heat, soft spots in floor. Mayor Wilkins would like to bring in contractors more familiar with this type of building to further evaluate the condition. And to have council member input on the City acquiring the property.
– Troy Clark mentioned that the sand on the ramp into the City Park creates a slick surface, and asked if adhesive tape or some kind of tread improvement could be put down so kids are less likely to slip and fall.
7:30pm – Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn. Troy Clark seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Lynley Sanford, City Clerk