September 2, 2008


7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, Jennifer Smith, and Mark Tunstall were present. City Superintendent, Justin Van Winkle, City Clerk, Sandy Nichols, City Attorney Lee Hendricks, City Engineer Kenneth Shetlar and City Treasurer John Hoffman were present. Visitors present were: Dan Fischer from Rural Development, Michael Hafling with C.A.S.

Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the August 18, 2008 minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the bills before them. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Dan Fischer from Rural Development was present. When the city requested additional funds for the water plant additional conditions had to be agreed to in regard to the Letter of Conditions dated January 9, 2007. Christy made a motion to accept the Letter of Conditions and the changes. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. The mayor and city clerk signed necessary papers: Intent to Meet Conditions, Request for Obligation of funds, Operating budget, Loan Resolution, Application for Federal Assistance.

Kenneth Shetlar presented a list of possible changes that could be made for the new water plant in order to reduce cost. After discussion the council agreed to leave the size of the building as it is and not to reduce the 300 gpm size. All other items maybe list as possible cost reduction items. The city clerk is to fax the possible items for cost reduction to Le Ann Graf with KDOC and request a reply by noon Wednesday if possible. There was discussion regarding the cost of the discharge line from the lagoons regarding the softener.

Lee stated there had not been a reply received from Mrs. Carolyn Mathews Stewart regarding the offer made by the city to purchase property for a new tower. Possible condemnation action may have to be taken.

8:07 PM Jennifer Smith made a motion to go into 5 minute executive session for the purpose of discussing real estate acquisition. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was 5 yeas, 0 nays. The city attorney, superintendent, clerk and treasurer were asked to attend the executive session. 8:12 PM back to regular session. 8:15 PM Jennifer made a motion to go back into executive session with the same people present. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was 5 yeas, 0 nays. 8:20 PM regular meeting resumed.

There was discussion regarding property NW of Eisenhower Memorial Drive and Woodson Avenue. The council was concerned about legal issues of four wheelers using this area. Jimmy made a motion to have the city attorney offer $30,000 – $32,500 to purchase property only on the NE corner of Eisenhower Memorial Drive and Woodson Avenue. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

There was no discussion regarding the electronic water meters.

Spencer Cobb will check with his mortgage company for approval to remove a small tube.

No additional work will be done by the city on the alley by the post office.

Mr. Chaney is not to receive any additional items until present bill is paid.

Taylor Design Group left a pamphlet for the council to review. They would like to be included in future bid opportunities with the city.


The council agreed to let Mark make decisions on how shut off should be handled. If he has any concerns he may bring them to the council.

It was noted SCI franchise fee are current.

Account 14 and account 80 are being monitored.

Two cats were taken to the humane society.

Council not interested in purchase of calendars.

City clerk was instructed to send a certified letter to Chapel at Lecompton requesting a building permit be applied for as the last permit has expired.

Jennifer made a motion to purchase 250 “Independence” pens with Lecompton 155th anniversary information on them. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

LVC will help decorate the park for the holidays. November 22, 2008 10AM date was set to decorate.

Jennifer had not heard from Vickie Marino regarding T-shirts for the 155th anniversary with proceeds going for Territorial Day expenses.

It was noted that Mr. Hatcher has been cleaning. The council will continue to monitor the progress and is pleased that Mr. Hatcher is working on cleaning of the property.

9:00 P.M. Mark made a motion to adjourn. Jennifer seconded, and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk