7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, Jennifer Smith, and Mark Tunstall were present. City Superintendent, Justin Van Winkle, City Clerk, Sandy Nichols, City Attorney Lee Hendricks, and City Treasurer John Hoffman were present. Visitors present were: Bob Hall with C.A.S., Kim Ehs, Anna Foerster, Garrett Nordstrom, Elsie Middleton and Lori Wilkins.
Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the September 2, 2008 minutes. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the bills before them. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Questions were answered regarding USA Bluebook purchases.
Kim Ehs and Anna Foerster were present requesting the City of Lecompton to proclaim the month of September to be “National Preparedness Month. After reading of the proclamation, Mayor Roy Paslay signed the proclamation.
A building permit was presented by Bryce Visser to build a home on 5 acres just west of 135 E Woodson. After review and discussion, Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the building permit. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. The city clerk will assign an address for this property. The building permit will not be issued until payment is received for the permit.
Garrett Nordstrom from G.A.S. was present to update the council on information he had regarding the water plant project and to answer any questions. Garrett explained there would be a rebid on selected items. There could not be negotiations, per CDBG requirements, with the low bidder. Additional publications will not be necessary. There would need to be a new ten day window regarding wage decisions. Bob Hall with C.A.S. expressed dissatisfaction that the city had to comply with CDBG regulations that did not appear to be necessary.
Public Comments: Elsie Middleton asked if the alley topic had been tabled until she returned. The council was not aware that this request had been made. Ms. Middleton asked to discuss her driveway. She presented pictures showing rock had washed off the tube at this location. She also stated her curb stone had been removed. Tim stated the curb stone was city property and not individual’s property. There was discussion regarding chip and sealing this area. Justin informed the council he had had a meeting with Douglas County regarding chip and sealing. The contract to chip and seal for the county did not include chip and sealing after September 15 do to normal low temperatures for this kind of work to be completed. They agreed to come to chip and seal Elmore Street only. Ms. Middleton wanted to know why Elmore was torn up if it was not going to be chip and sealed before now. Justin explained the work was contracted through Douglas County and do to rains the contractors were not able to complete jobs in other parts of the county as scheduled and therefore had not made it to Lecompton. Next year Lecompton’s work will be done first and this year’s price will be honored. Justin will put rock on the tube at Ms. Middleton’s drive. He will place a cone there until he is able to get the rock on the tube. The council asked Justin to place a curb stone in the area that it is missing.
A building permit for a pole covered seating area on a concrete slab was presented for Lecompton Elementary School. The slab is to be poured by the PLHS Industrial Technology class. West Star Energy Green Team will build the post and beam structure using recycled, milled telephone poles. After review and discussion Mark made a motion to approve the permit and waive fees. Christy seconded the motion and the vote was approved 5 yeas, 0 nays.
There was discussion regarding the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Mayor Paslay appointed Christy as the City representative and Jimmy as the alternate. Jennifer made a motion to accept Mayor Paslay appointment for Christy to be the representative to MPO and Jimmy to be the alternate. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. The city clerk is to see when, what time and where the meetings will be held.
There was discussion regarding the NIMS program, the need to appoint a director for the city and to pass a resolution. There was discussion regarding the Fire Chief, Wayne Riley having trainings and necessary radio contact in place. After council had read the resolution before them establishing NIMS as the incident system to be used for the planning, preparing, responding, mitigating, and recovering from local emergency incidents, Christy made a motion to approve Resolution #253 and appoint Wayne Riley, Lecompton Fire Chief as the director for the city if he will accept. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
There was discussion regarding past due account #14, Brad Coletta. A certified letter has been sent. The city clerk is instructed to file this account on the tax roll if there is no response from the letter.
Lee shared information from a conversation he had with John Riggs regarding the tower and road site on the Stuart property. Mr. Riggs stated there were no requirements in distance the tower had to be from the road. Lee recommends putting the tower in the best location for the city interests. Lee has requested the exact legal description for the road and tower from the city engineer. The city clerk is to get the dates that are needed in moving forward with the tower and report to the council at the next meeting.
John presented information regarding the renewal of a CD. John recommended renewing the CD for 12 months at First State Bank. Jimmy made a motion to renew the CD for 12 months at First State and Bank. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
John presented a draft of the fall newsletter. Jennifer suggested Dec. 13th for judging of the yard decorating. The council agreed.
Shane Jones requested the city attorney contact him. Lee stated he is still trying to reach Mr. Jones contact person.
Cara Hendricks sent a thank you for the council’s time and considering Taylor designs for future projects.
The council was informed a resident had applied for a kennel license. The city clerk and city superintendent stated they are not qualified to do inspections for kennels. After discussion the council recommended sending a copy of the codes regarding kennels to the resident and to act accordingly. Douglas County Zoning and Codes was contacted by the resident for an inspection. Codes will also be sent to Douglas County Zoning and Codes.
Letter sent to Chapel at Lecompton regarding building permit.
Letter is to be sent to John Chaney regarding building permit.
Continue to send second notices as they are currently being sent.
Council recommended starting to serve cookies, cocoa, etc Dec. 1 or when the students can start bringing cookies.
Council approves putting Farmer’s market information on the sign until the sign is needed for another cause.
Justin reported the Welcome to Lecompton sign was missing at the south end of the bridge.
Jennifer reported she had been checking on web pages and shared ideas she had listed to be included on the web page.
Jennifer reported announcements for the Leadership Academy would be made this week. Mark made a motion to approve $200 for Jennifer if she is accepted to the Academy. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays, and Jennifer abstained.
9:00 PM Jennifer made a motion to go into 10 min. Executive Session for preliminary discussions relating to acquisition of real estate. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Regular meeting recessed. 9:10 PM executive session ended and regular meeting resumed.
Lee announced he had been accepted as a partner with Stumbo and Hanson. The council all congratulated Lee on his acceptance. Lee also explained his fees would have to increase. Mark made a motion to approve the increase in fees. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
9:15 P.M. Jennifer made a motion to adjourn. Mark seconded, and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk