April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007 Lecompton City Council Minutes

Swearing of Mayor Paslay and Council members Mark Tunstall and Tim McNish.

7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay and Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks, Ed Smith and Bruce Liese were present. City Treasurer Georgia Wingfield, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Clerk Sandy Nichols, and City Attorney Lee Hendricks were present. Pastor Ken Baker was present.

Ed made a motion to accept April 2, 2007 minutes with spelling correction made. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was 4 to approve and council member Liese abstained.

Ed made a motion to pay the bills. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Bobbi Clark was not present. No action was taken.

Reverend Kenneth Baker submitted a building permit application to remove and replace existing ground level landing/sidewalk w/same footprint as existing level north to south. There was discussion regarding what the zoning was at this location, set back requirements, etc. The City Attorney, Lee Hendricks, will check on this and get back with the council this week.

Lee reported he had sent a letter to Myrtle Pfeffer regarding someone possibly living in the trailer located at the back of the lot. Ms. Pfeffer stated no one was living in the trailer nor would she permit any one to live in the trailer. The Mayor instructed Lee to send letters to four residents, to clean their property to be within the city codes.

It was reported a new 40 year contract would be needed for Rural Development loan/grant. After discussion, Lee is to set up a meeting with RWD#3 board requesting them to attend one of the council meetings to discuss a new contract.

Lee informed the council a Public Hearing had been set 6:45 PM, May 21, 2007 as they requested.

It was reported no correspondence had been received regarding a letter sent to SCI for late payment of franchise fees. Mark made a motion to have the city attorney send a letter. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

A Special Meeting will be held Thursday, April 19, 2007 to discuss the building permit information regarding steps at the church.

City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle reported there is a need for a lot of patching this year. Chip and seal will need to be done on the south side of Woodson Ave. this year. It was reported that 7th Street East of 1029 and Whitfield Street are both bad.

Justin reported the City Engineer, Kenneth Shetlar, stated the minimum size for a new water plant building would be 50’ x 70’ with 14’ walls. He would recommend a 60’ x 80’ building with 16’ walls.
Justin reported the shop roof is leaking, ceiling falling, shingles coming off, and needs repaired. Council requested Justin to get estimates to repair the roof.

Justin is to get an estimated cost for dirt work for the new water plant.

In the April election the 1% sales tax was defeated. The council believes there was a misunderstanding of the issue and would like for it to be on the Nov. ballot. Between now and November there will be steps taken to educate the public.
KDHE was concerned about two filters at the new water plant. It was report that 3 filters would be better than 2 filters at the new water so the plant would not have to be shut down when back flushing.

Mayor Paslay appointed the City Clerk to be the Safety Coordinator. Ed made a motion to accept the Mayor’s appointment. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

It was reported to the council that several building permits had been approved and not picked up. There was discussion regarding a fee for application. Bruce made a motion to collect a $25 non-refundable application fee, and the 1/2 % building permit fee be submitted at the time of approval. The ½ % building permit fee would be held until approval, if not approved the building permit fee would be returned. Ed seconded the motion. After discussion the vote was 4 approving, Council Member Smith was out of the room.
The council requested Lee to prepare an amendment to the city codes regarding these fees.

June 1 – 3 garage sales. Contact the Trading Post. Bruce suggested also sending “Press Release” to area papers, Topeka Capital, LJW, VF.

It was suggested communication be renewed with Douglas County regarding the curb and gutters on Woodson Street. After discussion Council Member Tunstall said he would contact County Commissioner McElhaney. Council Member Smith will contact County Commissioners Jones & Johnson if possible.

9:00 P.M. Bruce motioned to adjourn. Ed seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk