August 6, 2007


7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the regular Lecompton City Council meeting to order. Council Members Tim McNish, Chuck Folks, Ed Smith and Bruce Liese were present. Council Member Mark Tunstall was absent. City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Clerk Sandy Nichols, and City Treasurer Stephanie Soash were present. Residents Brenda Hastert, Dan Pederson and Denzil Hackathorn were also present. Contractor John Chaney was present.

Ed Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of July 16 and July 30 with correction to fifth paragraph of July 16 minutes, adding the motion was seconded by Ed and the vote was unanimous. Chuck Folks seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Chuck made a motion to approve the bills. Ed seconded and the vote was 4 yeas and 0 nays.

Mr. Chaney would like to extend the drainage tubes that drain from across the west to tract “C”, 422 Boone, property in building permit #146. This would not restrict the size of the current tubes. The extensions would be bedded in rock. This would enable the property to be mowed. After discussion, Tim McNish made a motion to approve a square drainage box to be placed in the right-of-way. Bruce Liese seconded the motion and the vote was 4 yeas and 0 nays. Mr. Chaney also would like an amendment to building permit #146, tract “C”. Mr. Chaney would like to build a two story home at this location instead of a ranch home. This would permit the home to be further from the creek and have more yard space. All set backs would still be within the requirements. After review of new plans, Tim made a motion to approve the amendment to building permit #146 permitting a two story home at this location. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was 4 yeas and 0 nays.

Brenda Hastert was present to request the mayor and council members to attend a ribbon cutting celebration for the opening of the bridge, 6:25 P.M. August 17, 2007. Brenda requested the mayor be present about 6:15. There will be a fund raiser for the PLH Junior Class at the ball park after the ribbon cutting. There will be bands, food, games, t-shirts for sale, raffle tickets, etc.

Dan Pederson was present to request a building permit for a deck.

There was discussion regarding the payment of a building application and payment of a building permit. Bruce made a motion that two separate checks would be required, one for the application and one for the permit. If the permit is approved both checks would be deposited. If the permit is not approved the building permit check would be returned and the application fee check deposited. Ed seconded the motion and the vote was 4 yeas and 0 nays.

After viewing the plans for a deck request by Dan Pederson, Tim made a motion to approve the building permit. Ed seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas and 0 nays.

Jenn Smith, Lecompton Planning Commission Chairperson, requested to attend a Planning and Zoning training sponsored by LKM. Mayor Paslay had approved the request.

A draft of the minutes from the July LVC meeting, were reviewed. It was noted that both city employees were working Friday June 22, 2007 and not on vacation while Territorial preparations were being set up. Bruce said he had requested the correction be made in the LVC minutes.

The Douglas County Commissioners accepted an invitation to have a joint session with the Lecompton City Council Wednesday September 5 in Lecompton to discuss Woodson Avenue. The Lecompton City Council requested the clerk to notify them they will be able to meet at this time also.

Justin reported the SCI cable in the 700 block of Whitfield has been lying on the ground for at least three years. It has been cut several times. When the cable is repaired it still has not been buried. The council requested a letter be sent to SCI asking them when this will be addressed and to notify the office by Sept 4. Also note in the letter the franchise fee due July 20, 2007 has not been received.

There was discussion regarding the 300 block of Elmore. An estimated $3000 plus was made to overlay down the center. The Council would like Justin to see what the cost would be if the county could mill the 300 of Elmore when they are milling in this area.

It was noted the ditch area at Nally’s needed to be mowed as it was beginning to cause sight problems when driving. Nally’s are currently working on this. No action was taken.

The weeds at Carolyn Mathews-Stewart’s property on 7th Street are in need of mowing again.

Gail Tompkins requested a month to get residents within code compliance. Mayor Paslay had granted the request and a letter was sent notifying Ms. Tompkins of the approval for a month to get residents within compliance.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment in cooperation with the Kansas rural Water Association had invited the council to participate in the KanCap Education Program in Lawrence Sept. 11, 28 and 25. The council requested Cathy Tucker-Vogel be notified they had already made other commitments for these dates. The council would like to be kept informed of any future education programs.

The Kansas Historical Society would like a picture of the Lecompton Water Tower be emailed to them. The city does not have a digital camera. Mayor Paslay suggested asking Justin Paslay if he could do this for us.

The building permit for 625 Woodson has expired. The council requested a letter notifying the owner of such, be sent and construction stopped until an extension has been approved. A copy of the letter is to be mailed to Douglas County Zoning and Codes.

The council was updated on registrations for the C.E.R.T. trainings. Mayor Paslay has registered and the other council members have previous commitments.

Tim updated the council of the status of residents in unfit structure. Mr. McNish viewed the structure and visited with the owner. Mr. McNish does not believe anyone is living in the structure at this time.

Tim asked Justin if he could do some patching at the tube near Sam Smith’s before the chip and sealing would take place. Justin said he would have the patching completed before the chip and sealing.

If Carolyn Mathews-Stewart’s weeds are in the right-of-way, Justin is to mow them. Denzil Hackathorn will get maps of this area for the council

9:45 P.M. Chuck made a motion to adjourn. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed with 3 yeas and Ed voting nay.

Sandy Nichols, City Clerk