August 7, 2006

August 7, 2006 Lecompton City Council Minutes

6:45 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay opened the Lecompton Budget Public Hearing. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Chuck Folks, and Bruce Liese were present. Council President Tim McNish was present. 7:52 Council Member Ed Smith present. Others present: Paula Phillips from Douglas County Emergency Management, residents Darby Lohrding, Holly Colbert, Leah Nichols, Tricia Schmidt, Steve Fugett and Jimmy Wilkins.
There was discussion regarding transfer of funds. It was noted that approximately $78,000 had been transferred from the General fund to the Water fund in May 2006. 7:00 P.M. the Public Hearing was closed and the regular City Council meeting was opened.

Ed Smith made a motion to approve the July 17 and July 24 minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Chuck Folks made a motion to approve the bills. Ed Smith seconded the motion with a question regarding the check for meals to Richard Wingfield. It was stated that Mr. Wingfield had attended a Water/Wastewater seminar that did not furnish meals.

Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve Ordinance #777 to approve the 2007 Budget. Bruce Liese seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Paula Phillips from Douglas County Emergency Management presented information regarding NIMS, National Incident Management System. Ms. Phillips will continue to work with Lecompton on NIMS issues. Ms. Phillips also discussed the possibility of having an emergency training exercise in the Lecompton area. The City Council requested Ms Phillips to continue planning a training exercise for the Lecompton area.

Leah Nichols presented information regarding the “cornfield” at NEKESC. Ms. Nichols gave the council information regarding the JDLA School and its students that had worked on the area. There are four sections involved in the Medicine Butterfly Ring. Flowers as well as corn were planted. The corn will not be planted next year but arches and flowers will be added. A grant for an Owl garden has been received and work will be done for this. Bird houses, bat houses and hummingbird feeders are in the plans. Butterfly plants have been planted on the south side of the shed area east of the brick building. Hope of putting a small pond between the two buildings is in the planning stage. With the approval of the City Council, JDLA will remove the Children’s Garden in the City Park and grass will be seeded in its place. The Council approved this.

Jim Martin was present to discuss a building permit for a shed. At this time the council does not believe Mr. Martin will need a permit. However, if the shed is put on a permanent foundation he will need a permit. Ed made a motion to approve a building permit if needed. Tim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Tex Harrell was present to discuss a request for rezoning of the Goodrich property along Eisenhower Drive.
After discussion regarding setbacks and lot sizes Mr. Harrell withdrew the request for rezoning. Douglas County will be having more information for him.


Darby Lohrding reported the newspaper dumpster by the Lecompton Elementary School could be used for the general public. After discussion is was suggested the city work with SM Ball toward newspaper collections being available at NEKESC and also LES. After the public is notified by signs at the recycle bin located at the water tower, posted on the park sign and the office, if SM Ball wanted to remove the paper recycle and enlarge the plastic bin that would be fine with the City Council. Darby also wanted to know if anything had been decided about the Welcome sign south of town. She suggested bids be taken. It was reported that Mr. Treanor had not reported back to the City after the mayor had contacted him. The council will give Mr. Treanor more time. Mrs. Lohrding also presented clothing to demonstrate problems with the rusty water.

Steve Fugett was present to discuss the use of the City Hall on the fourth Monday of each month for the Lecompton Volunteer Corp to meet. Steve also said he would be interested in working with the NIMS information. The City staff is to contact Steve with any information that comes available. The LVC is considering a City Wide clean up day in late September or early October. After discussion the city council recommended LVC pick the day. The City will provide trash bags for the clean up day. Bruce reported the LVC repaired the spring toys in the City Park. The City Council approved giving a key to the front door of the City Office for the LVC to meet on the fourth Mondays of the month. The city clerk is to notify Bonnie Fugett of the deadline for the fall city newsletter.

After discussion, it was decided to have KG Insurance raise the salary figures on the insurance this year.

It was reported the CDBG Administration applications had been mailed and are to be returned by August 18. The council members will review and turn in their survey for the August 21 meeting.

Larry will report at the next meeting regarding property on Eisenhower Drive.
Larry will be presenting a sewer ordinance regarding installation costs.
Dave Bogner suggested the council review time card schedule with payroll date. No action was taken.
Information was presented from a Publishing firm regarding OSHA standards. The council chose not to request information stating the information could be obtained locally.

Justin reported work will be done on 7th Street near Tim McNish’s and will be closed during work on a sewer line.

After discussion regarding 601 Whitfield, Mark said he would check on the status of an RV located there.

The council approved removing $30,000 from checking account to be invested in a 9 month CD at First State Bank and Trust in Perry.

Ed made a motion to have a Special Meeting Aug 14, 2006 to meet with the Lecompton Planning Commission and John Riggs. Mark seconded the meeting and the vote was unanimous.

8:40 P.M. Ed made a motion to adjourn. Chuck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk