April 4, 2005

April 4, 2005 Lecompton City CouncilMinute

7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order.
Council members Eddie Smith, Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish,Chuck Folks, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, City Clerk Sandy Nichols,and City Treasurer Tiffany Ball were present.

Ed made a motion to approve the minutes of March 21, 2005. Tim seconded the motion; motionunanimous.
Mark made a motion to approve the accounts payable, Ed secondedmotion unanimous.

Paula Phillips, Douglas County Emergency Management Directorwas present to discuss document related to the Douglas County MitigationPlan. Ed made a motion toauthorize the Mayor to sign the Douglas County Mitigation Plan Coordination andConcurrence agreement. Paula will be in touch with Justin regarding HomelandSecurity and the water plant. (CORRECTION – Tim secondedthe motion, motion was unanimous.)

Nancy Howard requested the council consider a $500scholarship for a Lecompton student graduating from High School and noteligible for other scholarships. The council requested Sandy to check with the City Attorney to see ifthis possible.

Paul Bahnmaier requested the City Council pass a resolutionrequesting two signs as part of the Governors of Kansas Hometown Heritage Actpassed by the Kansas legislature and signed by Governor Sebelius. The signs would be placed near the citylimits of Lecompton by the Douglas County Public Works Department and paid forby the Lecompton Historical Society. Mark made a motion to pass the resolution request. Ed seconded the motion, motion wasunanimous.

There was discussion with Mr. Bahnmaier regarding flowersand flower pots on the city streets. Mark made a motion to approve up to $500 for Mr. Bahnmaier to purchaseflower pots and flowers. Chuckseconded the motion, motion was unanimous.

Bruce Smith was present from RWD#3 to discuss projects thatthey will be doing and how Lecompton might want to be involved. There was discussion regarding thepossibility of RWD#3 purchasing water from Lecompton in the future depending onLecompton’s future projects.

Tiffany left at 7:30 P.M.

Don Fuston from RWD#6 was present to answer any question theLecompton City Council might have and to discuss their need to be looking forwater within the next 10 years. He discussed interest in purchasing water inthe future from the City of Lecompton. Mr. Fuston stated RWD#6 would not be able to furnish water fordevelopment areas unless RWD#6 could purchase water from the City of Lecompton,otherwise their capacity would be maxed out and water would have torationed. Mayor Roy Paslay askedif Jay put in a water tower would that help RWD#6. Mr. Fuston said they wouldn’t be needing a tower for say, 5years.

Bruce said RWD#3 would need information from Lecomptonregarding their interest desires by mid to late summer at the latest. All agencies agreed there would be aneed to stay in touch with each other.

David Malone and Kenneth Shetlar were present to discussfinancing of water system improvements. After discussion Ed made a motion to approve David Malone to serve asinvestment banker in connection with the proposed general obligation bond issuefor the water system improvements. Tim seconded the motion, motion carried. David and Kenneth will stay in touch as to the progress ofthe project.

After discussion regarding the city water rates to customersChuck made a motion to increase the minimum rates by $1.00 and increase theexcess of 2,000 gallons used by $.50 for the 3/4 inch meters. Additional sized meters will beincreased by the same percentage. Markseconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
Planning Commission member Kathi Fair presented a budgetrequest from the Planning Commission. There was discussion regarding Planning Commission members. Mayor Roy Paslay appointed FrankStevenson to the seat vacated by Jim Hughes this year. Ed made a motion to accept theappointment, Tim seconded the motion, and motion was unanimous. Sandy was requested to call FrankStevenson and request he attend the April 11, 2005 Planning Commissionmeeting.

Justin presented information from Overfield Corporation fora security system at the City Shop. Chuck made a motion to have the security system installed at the CityShop, Mark seconded the motion, and motion was unanimous.

Justin presented information regarding 12 locations that heand Council Member Chuck Folks located as needing letters sent requesting theyclean their yards to meet compliance of the city codes. Two more names were added to the listby a council member. There wasdiscussion as to how to send the letters, from the City Attorney or from theCity Office. Chuck made a motion to send letters fromthe City Office with return receipt to the citizens on the list. Ed seconded the motion, motion wasunanimous.

There was discussion regarding one of the zoning ordinance lettersthat had been sent out. Thecouncil tabled the discussion until the city attorney is at a meeting.

Sandy reported the easements had been taken to the courthouseto be recorded. The councilinstructed her to contact Larry for date to start charging Mr. Bahnmaier waterfees.
The city does not have any available means to transportchildren to Oskaloosa for Red Cross swimming lessons.
The city newsletter should be mailed around April 13, 2005if the CCR report has not arrived.
Roy and Justin give a report regarding the KRWA annualmeeting they attended in Wichita.

9:50 P.M. Chuck motioned to adjourn, Ed seconded, unanimousvote.