May 16, 2005 Lecompton City CouncilMinute
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order.
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Chuck Folks,Jennifer Jones, Ed Smith, City Clerk Sandy Nichols, Superintendent JustinVanWinkle, and City Attorney Larry Hendricks were present.
Ed made a motion to approve the minutes of May 2, 2005. Tim seconded the motion; motion wasunanimous.
Chuck made a motion to approve the accounts payable, Tim secondedthe motion; motion was unanimous.
Donna Crawford from G.A.S. asked if there were any questionregarding the survey to be completed by the council regarding the grantadministrator position. (CORRECTION) “Donna Crawford” was present to discuss the low-to-moderate surveythat would be conducted to determine if the city is eligible to apply for agrant through the KS Dept of Commerce and answer any questions. Donna also discussed ways to refurbishthe Community Building. Donna suggested KAN-STEP through the Dept of Commerceas a possibility. There would benot pay back funds using KAN-STEP. You must show you would save 40% with the volunteer workers. KAN-STEP would pay for supplies, grantcoordinator and architect. If approved in 2005 the city wouldstill be eligible for the water grant in 2006. Debbie Beck would be our contactperson with the Dept of Commerce.
Dennis Odgers with BA Green Construction was present topresent building plans for additions to LES. They would like to start June 1, 2005. The plans call for a 2” water meter, 2 1/2“line. Sandy is to check withKeith on the estimated number of inspections. The council discussed the plans and will meet regarding theproject again June 6 at the council meeting.
Larry and Mark discussed issues coming from the BZAmeeting. John Riggs is checking onmaps that he might have regarding road easements in the city limits. It is possible the city will have toconsider vacating easements where necessary.
Chuck made a motion for Phil Wolfe to represent the city asa Bond Counsel. Tim seconded themotion, motion was unanimous.
After discussion with Larry regarding a motion to payPlanning Commission Members and Board of Zoning appeals, Jennifer made a motionto resend previous motion to pay the Planning Commission members and Board of ZoningAppeals members. Ed seconded themotion, motion was unanimous.
After discussion regarding the intersection at Boone andWoodson Ed made a motion to remove the lilac bush on the SW corner. Chuck seconded the motion, motion wasunanimous.
Roy will contact Paul Bahnmaier regarding planting twoflower pots in front of the office and one to the south.
Sandy is to contact Bob Treanor to check on the status ofthe sign on the NW corner of Boone and Woodson.
Tires will be picked up during bulk trash pick up.
Kevin Quigley is to contact SCI regarding cable. The cable is not a city utility. Ed made a motion to give Mr. Quigley a14 day extension on clean up. Jennifer seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
Jennifer made a motion to approve Res. # 215. Chuck seconded the motion, motion wasunanimous.
Larry said the council would need to discuss the Sundaysales of alcoholic liquor and/or malt beverages after July 1, 2005.
Beverly Wells had submitted a request for an extension forcleanup. Chuck made a motion for a14 day extension, Ed seconded the motion, and motion was unanimous.
After discussion regarding cleanup at Bill Roberts’slocation, Chuck made a motion to give Mr. Roberts 14 days to remove the shed orrepair. Mark seconded the motion,motion was unanimous.
Sandy was asked to write a letter to Mr. Ron Ricleyrequesting a gate or better access to the water meter at his location. She is also to send notification ofmowing violation code 8-403.
A letter is to be sent to Brad Coletta and Bill Volle theyare in violation of code 8-403.
Justin reported he had two bids to install curbing from thesteps at Constitution hall to Roy’s driveway. Jeff Morris bid was $3200; S&M Concrete bid was for$2720. Tim made a motion to acceptthe low bid to install curb and guttering from the steps at Constitution Hallto Roy’s driveway. Jenniferseconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
There was discussion regarding chip and seal – no action wastaken.
Justin reported he had meet with James Denney of DouglasCounty Emergency Communications. Mr. Denney is putting a proposal together to present to the city councilregarding placement of antennas on the water tower.
After discussion regarding a project in the trailer courtowned by Gail Tompkins, Sandy was instructed to send Ms. Tompkins a letterregarding the side yard 10 foot code violation.
The council is concerned about added run off on both theeast and west side of the LES. Isdrainage covered by an erosion control plan? If Dennis Odgers calls in Sandy is to ask him to addressthis issue.
The city Council would like Kathi Fair to attend the June 6city council meeting.
Ed made a motion to table Ord 767. Tim seconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
A building permit was submitted by Sandy Nichols for a deckaddition. Chuck made a motion toapprove the building permit. Timseconded the motion, motion was unanimous.
9:52 Chuck made a motion to adjourn, Ed seconded, voteunanimous.
9:52 P.M. Chuck motioned to adjourn, Ed seconded, unanimousvote.