July 5, 2005 Lecompton City CouncilMinute
7:01 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the meeting to order.
Council members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Ed Smith, ChuckFolks, City Clerk Sandy Nichols, Treasurer Tiffany Ball, and SuperintendentJustin VanWinkle, were present.
Ed made a motion to approve the June 20, 2005 minutes withcorrection to change easement wording to set back regarding 906 Fifth Streetreference in the minutes. , Tim seconded, the vote was unanimous.
Chuck made a motion to approve the accounts payable, Ed seconded,the vote was unanimous.
Paul Bahnmaier was present to ask the city write a letter toGeo-Graphics requesting a map of the City of Lecompton be included in the “FreeArea Maps” published. The CityClerk was instructed to write the letter and to furnish a correct spelling forLecompton and to use all caps in locations where other cities are using allcaps. Paul also presented anarticle written in the LJW by Mike Hoeflich regarding the Bridge work to bedone in 2007.
Don Fuston was present at the City Council’s request todiscuss the church parking lot on Elmore. The council suggested poles also be placed on the west side of the alleyto create a second diversion of the run off water and rock. This would also separate the parkinglot and the alley. The councilwill continue to revisit this issue to see how the changes are working. Justin will let Ron Skinner know whataction is being taken.
Kenneth Shetlar was present to continue discussion regardingthe water project. Comparison ofCity alone vs with RWD was discussed. A sample Water Sale Contract was reviewed. Item #4 on page two was requested to be deleted. A copy of the contract was given to Mr.Fuston to review and submit any suggestions to the council for the July 18meeting. A copy is to be faxed toRWD#3 requesting they review and submit any suggestions for the July 18meeting.
Sandy is to contact Donna Crawford for update on the surveyand also see what she thinks the cities chances will be to receive a grant forwater project, then report back to the council.
Ed made a motion to leave the mil levy where it is now, Timseconded, and the vote was unanimous.
Jennifer Morgison was not present. The council reviewed city files, no action was taken.
Alicia from Lawrence Chamber of Commerce was not present.
A photo from Joe Edwards was presented regarding water backup on his property. There is noobstruction of the drainage tube at this location. No action was taken. (photo is in Mr. Edwards file)
Ed made a motion to pass Ord. #769. Tim seconded the motion, the vote wasunanimous.
A letter from Mr. Ernie Smith was reviewed. The councilappreciates the efforts that have been made and would like Mr. Smith to keep upthe good work. The council willcontinue to monitor the progress.
Denzil Hackathorn has requested a list for clean up. If Mr.Hackathorn approves, Council Member Mark Tunstall and Mayor Roy Paslay willmeet with him to make a list at 240 Clark.
Mark made a motion to send a letter regarding a refrigeratorviolation of codes at 534 Whitfield. Chuck seconded the motion; the vote was 3 yeas and an abstention by EdSmith. A letter is also to be sentto the residents acknowledging the cleaning of the front ditch and would likefor them to keep up the good work.
Justin reported the two master meters at the Mobile Lodgewere not working. Afterdiscussion, Justin was instructed to continue discussions with the Mobile LodgeManagers regarding work being done in this area.
Justin requested the purchase of a new pump for the wellcurrently being drilled. Afterdiscussion Justin was instructed to purchase a new pump with recommendationfrom Layne Western people working on the drilling. Ed cautioned not to use more than 100/gal per min.
Justin requested to replace the pressure washer with a WhiteStar 3000psi at an approximate cost of $800. This request was approved.
Justin reported drainage problems still at the lagoons. Council member will look at thesituation and discuss it at the next meeting.
Chuck Folks reported road washing into a driveway in the 300block of Whitfield. Afterdiscussion it was decided to try putting an asphalt ridge at the location. If that doesn’t work something elsewill be tried.
10:30 Mark motioned to adjourn, Chuck seconded, unanimous.