October 17, 2005 LecomptonCity Council Minuets
7:00 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the City Council meetingto order. Council Members MarkTunstall, Tim McNish, Jennifer Jones, Ed Smith were present. 7:04 council member Chuck Folksarrived. Justin VanWinkle, CitySuperintendent, Sandy Nichols, City Clerk, and Larry Hendricks, City Attorney werepresent. Citizen Dave Babcock,Planning Commission members Frank Stevenson, Kathi Fair, and Jimmy Wilkins werepresent.
Ed made a motion to approve the October 3, 2005 minutesafter striking the sentence requesting Justin to clean the sidewalk from theCity Office to the sign, Mark seconded, and the vote was unanimous.
Mark made a motion to approve the bills, Ed seconded, andthe vote was unanimous.
After discussion, Mark made a motion to have the CityAttorney contact SCI requesting a franchise fee contract of 3% or totalrevenues per month. Ed secondedthe motion, vote was unanimous.
Dave Babcock stated his appreciation of the work that hadbeen done on the street at his location to help with the run off.
Mayor Roy Paslay appointed Bruce Liese to the LecomptonPlanning Commission. Ed made amotion to accept the appointment, Jennifer seconded the motion, and the votewas unanimous.
Frank Stevenson reported the Planning Commission wasstudying renovation of the Community Building. Jimmy Wilkins from the Planning Commission reported he hadlooked at the community building and reported on items he saw that neededwork. There was discussion regardingwhat work the council wanted to be done and needed to be done to the CommunityBuilding. Mr. Wilkins requestedand additional knowledge of work needed done be reported to him for listing toacquire estimate costs. Kathi Fairwas present and reported on meetings she has had and information she hasacquired regarding the renovation.
There was discussion of interest in several homes possiblybeing added to the Lecompton city limits. Planning Commission members are interested in the capacity of the lagoonsystem. Sandy is to locate studiesthat have been completed.
Larry has sent a letter regarding 334 Clark zoningviolation. The time limitation hasnot passed at this time.
Larry reported he is working on papers to be filed regardingthe zoning violation at 645 E. Second.
There was discussion how to handle the change of billingwith the Mobile Lodge Community. The Community is to work with SM Ball for billing of the solidwaste. Chuck made a motion tocharge the Mobile Lodge Community the rate for two 2” master meters for waterand charge sewer rate per lot for each lot at the Mobile Lodge Community to beeffective for the December 20 reading. Ed seconded the motion, vote was unanimous. Larry will produce an ordinance for water and sewer fees forthe Mobil Lodge Community.
After discussion with Larry the council agreed, if a utilitybill is in a deceased spouses name the account name may be placed in thesurviving spouses name without a new deposit made.
After discussion regarding the light on a pole north of theshelter in the park it was decided to remove the pole, hire an electrician toput a dusk to dawn light on the north gable of the shelter.
Sandy and Justin will be attending a meeting in Lawrence Oct27 regarding 911 addresses.
The City Council agreed the $30 rent for the CommunityBuilding is sufficient.
Permission was granted to send letters thanking citizens forimprovements to the city, Maxine Dark, Paul Bahnmaier and Danny Pederson.
The Council instructed the City Clerk to send a letterrequesting Lana Keever to attend the November 21 council meeting to discusschanges being made in billing procedures for the Mobile Lodge Community.
After discussion regarding runoff from the property abovethe lagoons, Chuck made a motion for Larry to send a certified letter to Mr.Nehrbass requesting access to correct run off occurring on his property ontothe city’s property. If there isno reply within 10 working days Larry is to take action to file papersregarding the need for the correction to be made. Jennifer seconded the motion, and the vote wasunanimous.
Mark will continue to gather information regarding redoingthe brick sidewalk south of the park.
The theme for the Holiday decorating is, “Light Up TheSeason”. Those entering thedecorating contest should call the office by December 9th. Judging will take place December 17th.
There was discussion regarding propane tank with in thetrailer court at Clark and Woodson. No action was taken. Therewas also discussion regarding two individuals at this location putting outtrash to be picked up although they are not paying for any utilityexpenses. The City Clerk isinstructed to send bills for trash and sewer at these two locations to theowner of the trailer court. Aletter may also be sent with an explanation. Concern by council members was expressed regarding no waterrequest to be turned on.
Chuck reported the Church parking lot on Elmore has had someimprovements but the alley has had some damage caused by water run off andthere are still problems east of the alley for a resident. No action was taken. The council requested a letter be sentto the church requesting the weeds/grass in the parking lot be mowed.
10:00 P.M. Mark made a motion to adjourn, Jennifer seconded,and vote was unanimous.