July 6, 2004 Lecompton City Council Minutes
Mayor Roy Paslay called the July 7, (correction July 6,2004), 2004 Lecompton City Council meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Council members Mark Tunstall, ChuckFolks, Jennifer Jones, Tim McNish and Eddie Smith were present. Justin VanWinkle, city superintendent, TiffanyBall, City Treasurer, and Sandy Nichols, city clerk were also present.
Ed Smith moved to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2004meeting. Chuck Folks seconded themotion. Motion carried.
Ed Smith moved to approve the accounts payable. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion. The motion carried.
April and May monthly reports were reviewed.
Ed Smith made a motion to approve the 2005 budget figuredwith a 4 mil levy for publication. Mark seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Donna Crawford requested a Public Hearing September 20, 2004regarding the well improvements. This date may be changed.
Tim McNish made a motion to issue a building permit toHarold Bunce. Ed Smith seconded themotion. The motion carriedunanimously.
Ed Smith made a motion to accept Charter Ordinance #2. Jennifer Jones seconded themotion. The motion was approvedwith yeas from all five council members and the mayor.
Jennifer made a motion to approve the engineercontract. Chuck seconded themotion. Motion carried.
At 9:45 Jennifer made a motion to adjourn. Chuck seconded the motion. Motion carried.
9:45 P.M. Jenn motioned to adjourn. Mark seconded.