July 19, 2004 Lecompton City Council Minutes
Mayor Roy Paslay called the July 19, 2004 Lecompton CityCouncil meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Council members Mark Tunstall, Chuck Folks, Jennifer Jones, Tim McNishand Eddie Smith were present. Justin VanWinkle, city superintendent, Sandy Nichols, city clerk andLarry Hendricks were also present.
Ed Smith moved to approve the minutes of the July 6, 2004meeting. Jennifer Jones secondedthe motion. Motion carried.
Ed Smith moved to approve the accounts payable. Chuck Folks seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Paul Bahnmaier and Bob Trainer presented informationregarding Lecompton information signs. Howard Duncan also suggested the possibility of signs with “HistoricalDistrict” on them. Mark made amotion for Tallgrass Studios to restore the “Welcome to Lecompton” sign andbuild a new sign similar to the one located at the intersection of Woodson Ave.and Boone Street. Jenn secondedthe motion. The motion passedunanimously. The council will consideradditional signs after seeing these signs.
After a discussion regarding the water line to be located atthe ball diamond by the Perry/Lecompton gym, Justin was ask to get another bidfrom Bowen’s and present it at the next council meeting.
Cyndi Treaster requested a waiver for her water meterdeposit. After discussion one member, (correction – Ed Smith) was against theneed for the deposit and four members were for having the deposit. (correction – motion carried)
Howard Duncan and Paul Bahnmaier were both present todiscuss the test well site area. Howard will talk to Larry Leslie regarding crop damage. Mark made a motion for temporaryeasement to the test site areas. Ed seconded. Motion carriedunanimously. Earl Bahnmaiermentioned a 50 year lease. Noaction was taken
Ed made a motion for one test well on Duncan’s, one testsight on Bahnmaier’s and a third site at Lane Western’s and Justin’sdiscretion. Mark seconded.
Rex from SKW engineer firm was present to discuss test wellsite, grant information, and treatment plants. The council asks Rex to put together suggestions with prosand cons for what would be best for Lecompton using 300 gallons per min.
Housing Grant discussion requested more clean up be donebefore any further action by the council.
Discussion was held regarding variance requirements. Mark will speak with Hastert’sregarding the need to meet with the Zoning Board of Appeals.
The council would like for employees to shop around for amore economical “rust remover” for citizens of Lecompton. The product should have same/similaringredients that we are currently using.
Larry presented the council with two possibilities forchange of liquor sales. ChuckFolks made a motion to accept the less prohibitive option. Ed Smith seconded the motion. Motion passed.
There was discussion regarding senate bill 328 regardingutilities. Larry will continue tokeep the council informed of information he receives.
There was a request by the city clerk to purchase publicationsof “Code of Procedure for Kansas Cities, (in lieu of Robert’s Rules of Order)and Handbook for Effective Meetings”, cost of $25. The council recommended the purchase. Also requested was a 1999 updatedKansas Municipal Sourcebook, cost $60. The council requested information on when this information might beupdated again. The office’spresent copy is a 1996 edition.
There was discussion as to the amount the council wanted toput toward the expense installing a waterline at the Ball Association location. No decision was made. The council request Brenda Bohannanattends the Aug. 2 council meeting.
Mark presented information he had regarding vehicles locatedat Ernie Smith’s.
9:45 P.M. Chuck motioned to adjourn to the 6:45 P.M. Aug 2,2004 council meeting. Jennseconded the motion. Motioncarried.