November 29, 2004
Mayor Roy Paslay brought the November 29, 2004Special Meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. Tim McNish, Chuck Folks, Eddie Smith, Jennifer Jones were present.
Jennifer Jones motioned to exchange a load of rock from thecity for a boat with Dick Wingfield. Chuck Folks seconded, approved unanimously.
6:40 Mark Tunstall arrived.
Ed made a motion to defer action on an easement EarlBahnmaier. Mark seconded themotion. The motion was unanimous. The council requested information fromthe city attorney.
City Council meeting recessed at 6:52 P.M. to reconvene at7:00 with the Lecompton Planning Commission.
There were ideas exchanged for members attending the Dec. 1,2004 meeting in Lawrence to take with them.
Chuck motioned to adjourn to the Dec. 1, 2004 meeting withDouglas County Commissioners at 6:35 P.M. in Lawrence. Jennifer seconded, motion carried.