City of Lecompton August, 1, 2022 City Council Meeting


7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call

Approve minutes – July 18, 2022 and special meeting minutes from July 25, 2022

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(Please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Jeff Heiman-
Property reviews:
– Richard Nichols – Vacant property at E. 600 & Diagonal Rd.
– Mike Coffman – 645 E. Second
– Steve & Rita Fisher – 409 Whitfield –
– Patricia Edwards/Bill Edwards – Property at 530 E. Third – Update

Rance –
– Water plant updates –Bid from Tonka/Kurita Controls

Lynley –
– Out of office 8/8-/12 Sharron covering required office hours.

Old business –
– Street hole 7th St. – Curb inlet box – No updates

– De-annexation request update – Planning Commission special meeting scheduled for August 24th

– City Park Improvement plan – updates?

New business –
– Climate Action Plan – update from meeting 8/2
– Panasonic Task Force Meeting – Jimmy rep for Lecompton 8/4/22
