City Council Meeting Agenda June 7, 2021


7:00pm – Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes – May 17, 2021

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Daryl Foster – 7th street concerns : drivers have driven into his fence post, is there anything the City can do?

Jeff Heiman –
– Alley behind 432 Elmore: Access, easements, improvements

Rance –
– Water leak/repaired
– Additional patch/repair sites before chip n’ seal
– Update from Jeff Lamfers: KRWA re: lagoon aerators, sewer lines, mapping
– Updates: Maintenance building/electrical needs

Lynley –
– Vet Clinic June 11th
– Collector’s print purchase of mural? Framed and hung in City Hall?
– Possible ARPA updates: Approval of forms

Old business
– Comment from last meeting stream on FB regarding continuing FB streaming of meeting
Jenne Damme “Having the meetings live streamed helps keep the citizens of Lecompton informed. It also allows us to watch it afterwards if we have a scheduling conflict. It was mentioned that if we have a concern we should come to the meeting. I agree that you should address that in person. But for those that want to just stay informed this is a disservice. If there is no additional cost I don’t know why you couldn’t continue live streaming.”

New business –
