January 06,2014 Agenda

LECOMPTON AGENDA January 06, 2014

Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes

Approve bills
– Lower boiler bill

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Jeff 1st meeting
– Update on Allen Jack – court order update

– Request KDHE water system operator training
– Hepatitis shots (Dick and Rance)
– Update: 1 meter froze broke, 1 pressure valve froze and broke, 1 froze meter.

Communications – Lynley
– Year end audit on – 1/20/2014
– Loretta Phillips letter- ?
– Boiler work at old high-school (Lower and Scott’s)
– Interstate Elevator Contract

Old business
– CB bid update
– Water Rates

New business
– Elect. Inspec. Permits for Mbl Ldg.

– Town Hall meeting at CB on 1/18/2014 @ 1pm to talk about Post Office Closing
– Thank you card from PRIDE group
