April 16, 2012


Open City Council Meeting

New Council Members take Oath of Office: Mary Jane Hoffer and Susie Hackathorn

Mark appoints council members responsibilities

Roll Call

Approve minutes

Approve bills

Monthly Financial Report 2nd meeting

Sandy Jacquot – T.T. Days – donation

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Lee 2nd meeting

Mark – Need Council Member Volunteers to participate in E-Community
– Review Donations made so far this year
– 7th Street South. Side/Brouhard property – mowing

– Alley between Whitfield and Issacks – S. end of drive – water drainage/created rough roadway – please look at or blade.
– Chip n’seal quote/ Street Work
– Handicap Handrail at CB


– Ideas for vet clinic – next year – Oskaloosa vet maybe would come down?
– Leslie w/ Mid America bank approved the City to hold the $1000 in escrow on the building permit for John Chaney to apply it towards water meter installation and other affiliated charges
– Web Hosting – are we going to continue with Dan?

Old business
– Building Permit – Mid America Bank 422 Boone St. Construction

New business
– Brenda Hastert – Old H/S question regarding room/space
