Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Wednesday June 8, 2022
Meeting Minutes
7:00 pm – Meeting called to order by Vickie Clark
Members in attendance: Vickie Clark, Jamin Nally, Carol Howard, Jamie Newman, and Martin Huerter (Arrived at 7:03p)
Members not in attendance: Michael Shields and Erin Herschell
Additional people attending: Lynley Sanford
Jami Newman motioned to approve meeting minutes from January and special meeting 2022. Martin Huerter seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions:
There were no presentations of requests or petitions.
Notices and Communication:
Reviewed the sidewalk plans and updated planning commission.
Old Business: None
7:25 pm – Jamie Newman motioned to adjourn the meeting and Martin Huerter seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 yeas, 0 nays.