Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Wednesday January 13, 2021
Meeting minutes
Meeting called to order at 7pm by
Members in attendance Vickie Clark, Jamin Nally, Erin Herschell, Martin Huerter, Michael Shields, Jamie Newman.
Members not in attendance: Jonathan Gilligan.
Additional people attending included: Lynley Sanford
Erin Herschell motioned to approve meeting minutes from June 10, 2020. Martin Huerter seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
No presentations of requests or petitions.
No notices and communications.
No old business
New business:
– Renewal of terms for Johnathan Gilligan, Jamin Nally and Vickie Clark.
Vickie Clark and Jamin Nally said they would like to renew their terms at the approval of the commission and acceptance of the City Mayor.
– Planning Commission member Johanthan Gilligan was not present to request renewal of his term and has missed more than 3 consecutive meetings. The Planning Commission members discussed replacing his position by another city resident. The Planning Commission requested that Carol Howard be asked if she would like to be a member.
– Vickie Clark did state she would be willing to serve as chair to the planning commission. Jamin Nally motioned to approve Vickie Clark as head chair member to the Lecompton Planning Commission. Jamie Newman seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
– Erin Herschell is appointed as the Planning Commission secretary.
– The planning commission updated contact information and book checkout log.
7:27pm – Jamin Nally motioned to adjourn the meeting/Erin Herschell seconded.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.