March 11, 2015 Planning Committee Meeting Minutes

Lecompton Planning Commission
Meeting Date: March 11, 2015 7pm

In Attendance:
Jamin Nally
Stephanie Confer
Crystal Leming
Kevin Newman
Sandy Nichols
Kim Stewart

• Jamin Nally called the meeting to order at 7pm
• Sandy motioned to approve 9/10/14 meeting minutes with the correction of the spelling of Jamin’s name, Kim seconded, all approved
• Kim motioned to approve 12/11/14 meeting minutes, Jamin seconded, all approved

New Business:
• Group accepted the resignation of Kathy Paslay from the Planning Commission
• Kim nominated Stephanie for the position of Secretary, Crystal seconded, all approved
• Planning Commission requests a copy of all city code changes for our reference
• Planning Commission requests that any changes approved by the city that effect zoning be forwarded following outlined procedures

• Next meeting June 10, 2015 at 7pm
• Meeting adjorned at 8:01pm

Stephanie Confer