Lecompton Planning Commission
Meeting Date June 10, 2015 7pm
In Attendance
Jamin Nally
Crystal Leming
Kevin Newman
Sandy Nichols
Kim Stewart
• Jamin Nally called meeting to order at 7pm
• Kim motioned to approve 3/11/15 meeting minutes Sandy seconded, motion passed 5 yays, 0 nays
Discussion was held about Conditional Use Permit for 292 N 2100 RD
• Question about the completion of application
• Definition of Pre-Slaughtered, Sustainable Farm(Use of the 40 Acers), Local raised vs. Missouri
• What limitations are there for the Conditional Use and who will oversee the property, Is there a condition of after approved will ownership of land change and will it be split.
Discussion on who will be attending the July 20 meeting in Lawrence
• Kim, Jamin and Sandy showed interest in attending the meeting
Next Meeting set for September 9th, 2015 at 7pm
Meeting adjourned until July 20th at Lawrence Douglas County Metropolitan meeting at Lawrence City Hall. There is a possibility that the Lecompton Planning commission will have a quorum because of members attending.
Jamin Nally
Chair Person