Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday June 8, 2008
Call to Order: Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:05.
Roll call:
Present: Jeff Robertson, Mary Jane Hoffer, Kimber Richter, Elsie Middleton, Betty Corel
Absent: Paul Maline
Visitors: none
Approval of Minutes: Mary Jane moved and Elsie seconded to approve minutes from May, approved unanimously.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None
Notices and Communications:
Reports of Standing and Special Committees: None
Old Business:
New Business:
-The Darks decided not to apply for a lot split at this time.
-Jeff motioned, Kim seconded a move to have the P&Z chair approve items for the planning and zoning commission agenda. Motion failed, 2-3.
-The commission considered a proposed purchase by the township of land on the extreme east of the city on Diag road. The land will be used for public purpose and as such is exempt from subdivision regulations. The land falls on the edge of the City of Lecompton Comprehensive Plan area, in a region proposed for single-dwelling residential.
Study Session: None
Adjourn: Mary Jane motioned, Elsie seconded we adjourn, passed unanimously.
Minutes by: Kimber Richter, Secretary