Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, October 13, 2008
Call to Order: Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:05.
Roll call:
Present: Kim Richter, Jeff Robertson, Mary Jane Hoffer, Darby Lohrding
Betty Corel
Absent: Steve Cretsinger, Paul Maline
Visitor: Sandy Nichols
Approval of Minutes: _________ moved, _______ seconded acceptance of the September minutes, passed unanimously.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None
Notices and Communications:
– Kim reported on the Lawrence/Douglas County planning commission.
Reports of Standing and Special Committees: None
Old Business: None
New Business:
– The commission discussed the possibility of developing an urban growth area. Betty will call several sources and get back to the commission regarding a) the benefits of adopting one, b) the process, c) the potential for getting one accepted by the County Commission.
– Citizens concerned about annexation and rezoning, who live in the city of Lecompton or within 3 miles of the city, should come to the commission meeting to discuss their concerns. The commission is happy to discuss these issues and will consult with the city on the most appropriate action.
Study Session: None
Adjourn: _______ moved, _______ seconded to adjourn the meeting, passed unanimously. Jeff adjourned the meeting at 8:00.