Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, January 8, 2007
Call to Order: 7:08 pm, Jennifer Smith
Roll call:
Present: Jennifer Smith, Kim Richter, Darby Lohrding, Jeff Robertson, Susie Hackathorn,
Paul Maline
Absent: none
Visitors: Bruce Liese
Approval of Minutes: November minutes were approved with two spelling corrections, Susie motion, Jeff seconded approval, approved unanimously. Darby motioned, Paul seconded approval of the December minutes, approved unanimously with one abstention.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None
Notices and Communications:
No new news on the Big Springs Quarry Conditional Use Permit. This has to be re-approved due to new ownership. We have a folder on this in the City offices.
Reports of Standing and Special Committees: None
Old Business: In order to change the P&Z membership from 7-5, we’d need a new city ordinance and we’d need to change our bylaws. It might be easier to keep the membership filled. It’s nice to have 7 in order to have 2 from outside the city limits. Bruce suggested we consider a proxy vote arrangement to make sure we have a quorum. We will continue to consider this and Jen will ask John Riggs. Darby moved, and Jeff seconded the motion to consult John Riggs about this.
The Farmer’s Turnpike property zoning variance request for a liquor license will be heard by the Douglas Co Board of Zoning Appeals on January 17th. The property is being built into a hunting retreat. This will possibly be a fenced hunting area. Kim or her husband will attend. She will update the commission on the meeting at the February meeting.
Jen recommended we attend City Council meetings on an as-needed basis. There are three current council issues that relate to zoning. The first involves business-like activities at “the chapel.” The second involves people living in a structure that doesn’t meet codes for a residence. The third is a property whose owner is being ordered to clear the property. We don’t have a code enforcement officer. Informally, the P&Z commission has served in this role.
Bruce may be a member of the ECO2 committee for Douglas County. It’s designed to raise money for industrial and open space planning, such as an eco-friendly business park or preservation areas. One of the preservation area ideas involves a footbridge that would link areas across the river.
The Commission considered changes to the bylaws. A vote will be held at the February meeting.
Jen discussed issues she’d like to discuss with John Riggs on Monday January 15. This includes some apparently contradictory language regarding zoning regulations for fences and light industrial zoning. If anyone has any more questions for John, let Jen know. Jen will report to the City Council on this that evening.
We need to be sure that we share information with the township on matters that affect them.
New Business: None.
Darby motioned, and Jeff seconded, to adjourn the meeting – approved unanimously.
Jennifer Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Kim Richter.