Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, October, 2006
Call to Order: 7:00 pm, Jennifer Smith
Roll call:
Present: Nancy Howard, Jennifer Smith, Kimber Richter, Darby Lohrding
Absent: Jeff Robertson, 2 open commission seats
Visitors: Paul Maline, Samantha Foster
Approval of Minutes: Minutes approved unanimously.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions:
Notices and Communications:
The Douglas county Planning Commission asked the Lecompton P&Z Commission to send a representative to their next meeting, at which they will consider approval of a boat storage facility within 3 miles of Lecompton. Jennifer and perhaps Darby will attend on Oct. 23.
Reports of Standing and Special Committees:
Old Business:
Jennifer provided new language for an amendment to the P&Z bylaws that changed the P&Z rules of order from Robert’s Rules of Order to the Code of Meeting Procedure for Kansas Local Governments. Kim moved and Nancy seconded to approve – passed unanimously.
New Business:
The Lecompton P&Z Commission had heard that the City Commission had approved some zoning changes. Kim motioned, and Darby seconded that the P&Z Commission write a letter to the City Commission outlining roles and responsibilities for rezoning approval. This was passed unanimously.
The P&Z Commission will review the bylaws for potential amendments. Also, it will study the procedures for lot splits, as outlined in Article X, pgs 41-42 of the City Code.
Kim moved, and Darby seconded, that we adjourn the meeting – approved unanimously.
Jennifer Smith adjourned the meeting at 7:46pm.
Minutes prepared by Kim Richter.